Cost of Hunger Study Ethiopia

Ethiopia loses around 16.5 per cent of its GDP each year to the long-term effects of child malnutrition. That’s just one of the statistics to emerge from “The Cost of Hunger in Africa” study which measures the economic impact of malnutrition in 12 different countries.

July 3, 2013 - Last update: February 10, 2023

Ethiopia loses around 16.5 per cent of its GDP each year to the long-term effects of child malnutrition. That’s just one of the statistics to emerge from “The Cost of Hunger in Africa” study which measures the economic impact of malnutrition in 12 different countries.

The study was carried out with the support of the African Union Commission, a body which includes the New Partnership for Africa’s Development, the UN Economic Commission for Africa and WFP. Ethiopia is the third country so far to publish its findings.
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Read the Project Summary for Egypt, Ethiopia, Uganda and Swaziland

