The Ethiopia Civil Society Coalition (ECSC) spreads awareness of ‘the Super Food with the potential to save hundreds and thousands of children’s lives’

The Ethiopia Civil Society Coalition (ECSC) – Ethiopia’s SUN CSA- contributed to an event held at Yekatit 12 Hospital in Addis Ababa. Save the Children, representing civil societies, joined the Ministry of Health, UNICEF, Ethiopian Pediatrics Society and other local and international organizations to mark World Breast Feeding Week.

September 13, 2013 - Last update: February 10, 2023

Ethiopia Civil Society Coalition  spreads awareness of ‘super food with the potential to save hundreds and thousands of children’s lives’

The Ethiopia Civil Society Coalition (ECSC),  Ethiopia’s SUN Civil Society Alliance (CSA), contributed to an event held at Yekatit 12 Hospital in Addis Ababa on 7 August to commemorate World Breastfeeding Week. Save the Children, representing the ECSC ,joined the Ministry of Health, UNICEF, Ethiopian Pediatrics Society and other local and international organizations to mark World Breastfeeding Week.

In addition, Save the Children ran several radio spots with a view to promoting exclusive breastfeeding and published an opinion editorial entitled The Super Food with the potential to save hundreds and thousands of children’s lives” Children which was run in The Reporter newspaper on 10 August.


