Gavi-SUN collaboration plan: For integrated delivery of immunisation and nutrition interventions

28 October 2021, Geneva – Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, and the Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement are collaborating to stimulate, among countries and partners, a more holistic and integrated approach to immunisation, nutrition interventions and other essential health services as part of countries’ efforts to…

October 28, 2021 - Last update: April 25, 2024

28 October 2021, Geneva – Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, and the Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement are collaborating to stimulate, among countries and partners, a more holistic and integrated approach to immunisation, nutrition interventions and other essential health services as part of countries’ efforts to sustainably reach zero-dose children and the world’s most vulnerable communities.

Such an expanded collaboration intends to support the realization of both Gavi’s 2021-2025 Strategy, which aspires to ‘Leave no-one behind with immunisation’, and the SUN Movement 3.0 Strategy (2021-2025), which aspires to create a world without hunger and malnutrition.

This integrated approach to the delivery of immunisation and nutrition services is outlined in the October 2021 joint Gavi-SUN policy brief, Equity from birth: an integrated approach to immunisation and nutrition.

As leaders, in the fields of immunisation and nutrition, Gavi and SUN have identified that they can harness their unique capabilities and networks to support countries to sustainably reach vulnerable communities – and especially “zero dose” children – through:

  • Agenda setting: Working together to identify opportunities and develop complementary advocacy and communications strategies to shape, inform and advance the equity agenda with a focus on those left furthest behind.
  • Improving data collection and use: Supporting national governments to identify missed communities and zero-dose children, especially contributing to triangulation of data on immunisation, nutrition, and other essential services.
  • Supporting in-country partners (particularly at the sub-national level): Identify and support priority countries and partners wishing to implement an integrated approach to routine immunisation and nutrition services at national and sub-national levels.

This Collaboration Plan will be complemented by annual work plans of opportunities and actions developed jointly by Gavi and the SUN Movement.

Download the Gavi-SUN high-level joint statement and collaboration plan: English 



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