Global processes for nutrition

Two significant global processes are underway that will contribute to the landscape of nutrition. The processes identify nutrition as an area for economic development and may help to improve people’s right to optimal nutrition and increase the capacity of countries for scaling up nutrition. The…

May 15, 2014 - Last update: July 4, 2022

Two significant global processes are underway that will contribute to the landscape of nutrition. The processes identify nutrition as an area for economic development and may help to improve people’s right to optimal nutrition and increase the capacity of countries for scaling up nutrition. The first is the Second International Conference on Nutrition (ICN2), which will take place in Rome, Italy from 19 – 21 November and the second is the Post-2015 development agenda.

ICN2 will be a high-level intergovernmental conference that focuses on how to address major nutrition challenges over the coming decades. ICN2 will agree a concise action-oriented Political Declaration to achieving the global WHA nutrition targets by 2025. A number of SUN Government Focal Points are likely to be attend ICN2 with high-level leaders from their countries. During the lead up and through participation in ICN2 there will be opportunities to enhance interactions across the SUN Movement. For these reasons, the SUN Movement Secretariat is holding the 2014 Global Gathering of the SUN Movement in Rome in advance of the ICN2.

The eight Millennium Development goals (MDGs) have helped to galvanize development efforts globally. Now, the international community has initiated a number of processes aimed at agreeing a development agenda for the Post-2015 period. There will be formal negotiations for the Post-2015 development agenda within the UNGA throughout the remainder of 2014 and up to September 2015.  National governments and stakeholders are building their positions in their capitals and engaging in these deliberations through their representatives in New York.

Click here to read further information about Global Processes and the Global Gathering

SUN Civil Society Network efforts

The SUN Civil Society Network works closely with civil society organisations within countries and will support these organisations in their efforts to advocate to their governments. The primary focus is for the prioritisation and integration of nutrition by governments within the future development framework through their involvement with these two global processes. One key document is Call to Action: Nutrition in the Post-2015 Development Agenda

This document and more information on the efforts of civil society can be found at Thousand Days
