High Level Event: Innovative Ways for Sustainable Nutrition, Food Security and Inclusive Agricultural Growth

On 25 April 2016, a European Commission High Level Consultation on Innovative Approaches for Sustainable Nutrition, Food Security and Inclusive Agricultural Growth was held in Brussels, Belgium. The organisation of the event was supported by the Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA). The main purpose of…

May 2, 2016 - Last update: February 10, 2023

CaptureOn 25 April 2016, a European Commission High Level Consultation on Innovative Approaches for Sustainable Nutrition, Food Security and Inclusive Agricultural Growth was held in Brussels, Belgium. The organisation of the event was supported by the Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA).

The main purpose of the high-level dialogue was to collectively consider opportunities for innovation in food security, nutrition and agriculture to secure inclusive human development organised with four specific panels: resilience, nutrition, research and financing. Each panel shared insights and enabled creative dialogue between participants structured around three key questions:

  1. SpeakersChallenges: What has been learned from experience with regard to the challenges to inclusive and equitable development and what do we know about how can they be creatively overcome in the post 2015 era?
  2. Synergies: How best can synergies and strategic coherence be promoted between various initiatives – such as those show-cased as well as others?
  3. Partnerships: What are the opportunities for new partnerships to be forged to reverse trends of widening inequalities, accelerate impact and reinforce accountability? The high-level dialogue will compile findings and recommendations from the four panels and issue conclusions that can guide partner in their future support and initiatives.

Food and nutrition security and sustainable agriculture are among the European Union’s (EU) top development priorities for the period of 2015–2020. In this regard, research and innovation are fundamental pieces to achieve food and nutrition security goals. 

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Read the Concept Note


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