ICN2 Side Event | Countries in the Movement for Scaling Up Nutrition: Describing Progress and Demonstrating Achievements

On 19 November 2014, the SUN Movement Secretariat together with the European Union organised a Side Event during the Second International Conference on Nutrition (ICN2) in Rome. The purpose was to share the experiences of SUN countries as they seek to scale up nutrition and…

November 28, 2014 - Last update: February 10, 2023

On 19 November 2014, the SUN Movement Secretariat together with the European Union organised a Side Event during the Second International Conference on Nutrition (ICN2) in Rome. The purpose was to share the experiences of SUN countries as they seek to scale up nutrition and contribute to the ICN2 and its follow up. The Side Event was a panel discussion moderated by Ertharin Cousin, Executive Director of the World Food Programme who opened the event and said:

“If you know this movement, you know that SUN possesses an unstoppable energy… SUN is a growing team that is generating actions to support the worlds malnourished women, children, and men, at the country level”.

The Side Event provided an opportunity to share potential approaches for;

  • Monitoring progress
  • Tracking investments aimed at achieve nutrition targets
  • Demonstrating results

Wilbald Lorri, Nutrition Advisor to His Excellency President Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete, Government of Tanzania spoke about the leadership role that Tanzania has been playing in contributing to the SUN Movement moving forward. Wilbald Lorri opened by sharing what he gathered from the SUN Movement Global Gathering the days prior, that SUN is truly a global movement. He shared that in Tanzania, there is a sense of diversity in the national nutrition movement and stressed the importance of protecting the political space for nutrition, across all sectors.

Tom Arnold, SUN Movement Coordinator ad interim, brought attendees to the side event along the journey of the SUN Movement and Jean Pierre Halkin, Head of Unit Rural Development, Food and Nutrition Security for the European Commission, then continued the story on nutrition commitments “What does success look like?” and shared a presentation on National Information Platforms for Nutrition.

SUN Government Focal Points shared how they are scaling up nutrition including Aminata Shamit Koroma, from Sierra Leone, Patricia N’goran from Cote D’Ivoire, Lalith Chandarasa from Sri Lanka, Chandavone Phoxay from Lao PDR and Edith Mkawa from Malawi. Perspectives from Civil Society were also shared including Asma Lateef from Bread for the World and William Chilufya from the Zambia and the final words from the audience were heard from Anna Lartey from the Food and Agricultural Organization “The SUN can not stop shining.. we can not leave anybody behind”.

View the webcast and photos below:
