National Lancet Nutrition Series Launch and Discussion: Implications for Nigeria

To bring issues highlighted in the new Lancet Nutriti
on Series to the fore, UNICEF partnered with Save the Children International to hold a one day roundtable and launch of the 2013 Lancet Series on 29 August 2013 in Abuja, Nigeria. The round table brought together partners, key decision makers and stakeholders at the state and national level who can make decisions that will ensure the scale up of cost effective nutrition interventions.

September 13, 2013 - Last update: February 10, 2023

To bring issues highlighted in the new Lancet Nutrition Series to the fore, UNICEF partnered with Save the Children International to hold a one day roundtable and launch of the 2013 Lancet Series on 29 August 2013 in Abuja, Nigeria.

The round table brought together partners, key decision makers and stakeholders at the state and national level who can make decisions that will ensure the scale up of cost effective nutrition interventions

A total of five presentations were made with one group working session. At the end of the event, participants discussed and reviewed some of the recommendations made on the Lancet series and developed a communique that sets out a proposed way forward for Nigeria.

The meeting had a total of 40 participants in attendance and was facilitated by Dr. Ibrahim Oloriegbe, National Programme Manager, Working to Improve Nutrition in Northern Nigeria (WINNN).

Read the meeting report here.

