Now Available! DRAFT State of the SUN Movement Progress Report (September 2013)

This draft annual report focuses on the advances made by the countries in the Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement since September 2012.

September 17, 2013 - Last update: July 4, 2022

This draft annual report focuses on the advances made by the countries in the Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement since September 2012; governments of these SUN countries have together committed to improve nutrition for millions of children and their mothers. The report examines the benefits of investing in improved nutrition, the transformations needed for effective action, the four processes through which they are achieved, and the ways in which governments, and their in-country partners, are working to secure impact.

The report also describes how worldwide networks of SUN supporters are responding to leadership by governments from SUN countries and rallying around national plans for nutrition. It shows how all in the Movement are building on their achievements year by year, and learning from the experiences of each other.

Whilst the report highlights the significant achievements that have been made in the three years since the Movement’s inception, and the past year in particular, it also emphasises the need for intensified efforts if this progress is to yield major, sustainable improvements of the nutritional status of all. The report utilises the Movement’s Monitoring and Evaluation Framework, developed at the request of the SUN Movement Lead Group, to track progress in SUN countries and networks against a set of progress markers for the four processes.

This draft report was shared and reviewed by SUN countries and networks during the SUN Movement Global Gathering which took place on 23-24 September 2013 in New York. 


SUN Movement DRAFT State of the SUN Movement Progress Report (September 2013) English | French | Spanish

DRAFT Compendium of SUN Country Fiches (September 2013) English | French | Spanish
