Quarterly Update | SUN Donor Network

February, 2016: The SUN Donor Network (SDN) held a retreat in London, UK on the 14-15 December 2015. The main purpose of the retreat was the development of a draft SDN strategy for the period 2016 – 2020. Based on key strategic choices for developing…

February 9, 2016 - Last update: February 10, 2023

February, 2016: The SUN Donor Network (SDN) held a retreat in London, UK on the 14-15 December 2015. The main purpose of the retreat was the development of a draft SDN strategy for the period 2016 – 2020. Based on key strategic choices for developing joint outcomes, the development of a work plan including targets and indicators. Both will feed into the SUN Movement Roadmap 2016-2020. As agreed at the retreat, the SDN will focus on the following main areas:

  • galvanize more and better financing for nutrition;
  • identifying and addressing nutrition data gaps, and;
  • strengthening leadership and communication.

Beyond these, the SDN will continue to implement  the ​ resource tracking on their nutrition expenditure in accordance with an agreed joint methodology reporting into the Global Nutrition Report. The SDN, together with stakeholders, would also like to review current governance arrangements including the role of donor conveners to make them more effective and efficient. Preparations are underway by the SDN for the Nutrition for Growth Event in Rio in August 2016.

Participants of the SUN Donor Retreat were: Canada, EU, France, Germany, Japan, Netherlands, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Children Investment Fund Foundation, USAID, Worldbank.

Priorities for the SDN January/ February 2016

  • Continuing to develop the SDN Strategy for 2016 – 2020 as well as the work plan for 2016 to be finalized by the end of March 2016
  • Continue to contribute and feed into the roadmap development, with specific outputs, activities and indicators for the SDN
  • Mapping of global funding facilities and access to them through a consultant. Once finalized this will shared with the wider SUN Stakeholder community

Learn more about the SUN Donor Network

Read the quarterly updates from the Civil Society Network, the Business Network and the UN Network for SUN


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SUN Donor Network