SUN Civil Society Network Asia regional workshop in Cambodia

SUN Civil Society Network Asia regional workshop in Cambodia

Story written by Jeremy Mair, Program Support Officer at Helen Keller International From September 18-25, representatives from thirteen SUN Civil Society Alliances (SUN CSAs) throughout Asia (from Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Myanmar, Pakistan, Kyrgyzstan, The Philippines, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Lao PDR, Nepal, Viet Nam and Papua…

September 21, 2019 - Last update: February 10, 2023

Story written by Jeremy Mair, Program Support Officer at Helen Keller International

From September 18-25, representatives from thirteen SUN Civil Society Alliances (SUN CSAs) throughout Asia (from Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Myanmar, Pakistan, Kyrgyzstan, The Philippines, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Lao PDR, Nepal, Viet Nam and Papua New Guinea) attended the 3rd Annual SUN Civil Society Network Asia Regional Workshop and Budget Analysis Training.

This year’s workshop is hosted in Siem Reap, Cambodia, by the SUN CSA Cambodia on behalf SUN Civil Society Asia Regional Coordination Group (ACG) and Global Scaling up Nutrition (SUNCSN).

The Asia Regional Coordination Group (ACG) is group of 13 civil society alliances based in Asia region, contributing to reduction of all forms of malnutrition in line with SUN Movement principals and SUN Civil Society Network objectives. The overall objective of the ACG is to provide a forum to Asia Region CSAs which contributes to increasing capacity and ability of CSAs in the Asia region to support effective implementation of national nutrition plans, thorough through information sharing, knowledge exchange and identification of joint advocacy opportunities.

During this event, CSAs have the opportunity to share their experiences, learn from other countries, and receive training and information on a range of topics. In addition to presentations, participatory activities, and panel discussions, participants had the opportunity to visit communities where innovative nutrition programs are being led by Banteay Srie, Save the Children, World Fish, and World Vision International – all of whom are members of the Cambodia SUN CSA.

Globally, there has been a move towards more transparent analysis and documentation of financing for nutrition, and many SUN countries have begun using nutrition budget data to monitor progress and to advocate for more resources. During the second half of the regional meeting, Save the Children UK will carry out training for civil society on how to carry out budget analysis, and how to use this information for better programs and governance.

These results did not materialize of their own accord; they are the outcome of many years of advocacy, research, awareness-raising and implementation of development projects by dedicated agents of civil society working in close cooperation with government line ministries and the private sector.

Despite vastly different cultures and contexts, SUN countries face similar challenges and work towards the same goal: to eliminate all forms of malnutrition by the year 2030. The Regional Workshop and Budget Analysis Training is an opportunity for these countries to learn from each other’s successes and failures, and for those countries who have established a foothold in the fight against malnutrition to offer a hand to those who are just beginning.





SUN Global Support System
SUN Civil Society Network
Capacity strengthening Resource mobilization
Bangladesh Cambodia Indonesia Kyrgyz Republic Myanmar Nepal Pakistan Papua New Guinea Philippines Sri Lanka Viet Nam