The SUN Movement Executive Committee is established

In September 2015, Anthony Lake, Executive Director of UNICEF and Chair of the SUN Movement Lead Group, appointed 15 people to serve on the SUN Movement Executive Committee for a period of two years. The committee includes six women and nine men with members from…

September 17, 2015 - Last update: February 10, 2023

In September 2015, Anthony Lake, Executive Director of UNICEF and Chair of the SUN Movement Lead Group, appointed 15 people to serve on the SUN Movement Executive Committee for a period of two years. The committee includes six women and nine men with members from seven geographical regions.

The SUN Movement Lead Group decided to establish a SUN Movement Executive Committee based on findings from the SUN Movement Independent Comprehensive Evaluation and consultations with members of the Movement. The SUN Movement Executive Committee will act on behalf of the SUN Movement Lead Group to oversee the development and implementation of the Movement’s strategy and its operating modalities, and support the SUN Movement Coordinator to galvanise political commitments to nutrition and to promote the ethos and values of the Movement.

The first SUN Movement Executive Committee meeting will be held in New York on 22 September 2015, where they will have the opportunity to formally take on the shared stewardship of the SUN Movement, from the Transitional Stewardship Team. The purpose of the meeting will be to discuss the draft High-Level Strategy for the SUN Movement 2016-2020 and the ways of working that will enable the finalisation of the Roadmap and the oversight of progress towards achieving the strategic objectives.

The SUN Movement Coordinator also serves as an ex officio 16th member of the SUN Movement Executive Committee.

Meet the members of the SUN Movement Executive Committee

  • Daysi de Marquez, El Salvador (Latin America Caribbean)
  • Felix Phiri, Malawi (Southern Africa)
  • Abdoulaye Ka, Senegal (West Africa)
  • Aslam Shaheen, Pakistan (South Asia)
  • Christine Guwatudde Kintu, Uganda (East Africa)
  • Uma Koirala (Nepal) – chair of the Civil Society Alliance for Nutrition in Nepal
  • Martha Newsome (Canada) – World Vision International
  • William Chilufya (Zambia) – National coordinator of CSO-SUN Alliance Zambia
  • Shawn Baker (Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation)
  • Jane Edmondson (UK- DfID)
  • Meera Shekar (World Bank)
  • Martin Bloem (WFP)
  • Francesco Branca (WHO)
  • Marc Van Ameringen (GAIN)
  • Fokko Wientjes (Royal DSM)

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