SUN Movement ICE Interim Report is available

At the end of September 2014, consulting firm Mokoro Ltd in partnership with Valid International and FEG Consulting completed the SUN Movement Independent Comprehensive Evaluation Interim Report. The Interim Progress Report is intended to provide an update to the Lead Group, an interim assessment of the SUN Movement Secretariat (SMS) and…

October 9, 2014 - Last update: February 10, 2023

At the end of September 2014, consulting firm Mokoro Ltd in partnership with Valid International and FEG Consulting completed the SUN Movement Independent Comprehensive Evaluation Interim Report. The Interim Progress Report is intended to provide an update to the Lead Group, an interim assessment of the SUN Movement Secretariat (SMS) and to share initial findings from the evaluation.

The Interim Progress Report was submitted to the Lead Group for discussion at the sixth SUN Lead Group meeting held in New York on 23 September 2014. Some of the key messages from the report are:

  • Nutrition is prominent on the international agenda, and the expansion of SUN country membership is a tangible indicator of this;
  • The evaluation is ongoing, although, the timetable remains tight. The ‘options for possible futures for SUN’ has been deferred to early November to allow for insights from SUN country visits, and consideration of the respective roles of various nutrition initiatives;
  • The full evaluation of the SUN Movement Secretariat (SMS) will be informed by the overall evaluation of the SUN Movement. However, interim findings on the Secretariat are positive and the report recommends that the Lead Group should take early action to secure the continuity of the Secretariat; and
  • The eventual test of the SUN movement’s relevance, effectiveness, and efficiency will center on the impact that the Movement is achieving in SUN countries.

The evaluation team is now in the midst of country visits. The eight country case studies are pivotal to the evaluation. A cross-section of countries has been selected by the evaluators to provide a basis for understanding the effect of the SUN Movement at country level.

Consideration of the possible future directions for the SUN Movement will be shared by the evaluators at the beginning November. This will encompass findings from the country case studies, and will allow for consultation with a wide range of stakeholders from SUN countries through an electronic survey, and at the SUN Movement Global Gathering. This paper will be made available on the website.

Looking ahead, work is underway to outline the strategic visioning that will follow the submission of the final evaluation report at the end of December 2014. The Lead Group appointed Visioning Sub Group (VSG) will oversee this process. The Lead Group has agreed that between January and April 2015 the recommendations and options arising from the evaluation will be further considered. This will include a composite management response to the findings from SUN countries and the Movement’s leadership and stakeholder groups that will be formed between January and February 2015. Guidance on the future direction of the SUN Movement, beyond 2015, will be provided by the Lead Group at their next meeting in April 2015.

Read the SUN Movement Independent Comprehensive Evaluation Interim Report  English

Learn more about the SUN Movement Independent Comprehensive Evaluation

The evaluators are eager to hear all views, whether positive or critical, in order to enrich the evaluation exercise. Comments can be emailed directly to the evaluation team

