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SUN Movement launches 2022 Joint Annual Assessment

November 11, 2022 - Last update: November 14, 2022

The Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement is pleased to announce the launch of its 2022 Joint Annual Assessment (JAA) process for SUN Countries.

The JAA is a voluntary and country-led process, providing an opportunity for SUN Countries and country-level stakeholders to together reflect on annual progress and ensure that multistakeholder and multisectoral efforts to defeat malnutrition are well-aligned and effective.

The JAA also creates a safe space, within which country stakeholders can reflect on successes as well as challenges faced and bottlenecks – and how to jointly address these. This supports stakeholders to own and benefit from the monitoring of progress and to be mutually accountable for their collective actions.

The results of the JAA process are published annually as SUN Country Profiles. Earlier this year, 61 of 65 SUN Countries completed their 2021 JAAs, despite facing the challenges of the  ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and the escalating global food and nutrition crisis.

In announcing the launch of the 2022 JAA process, United Nations Assistant Secretary-General and SUN Coordinator Gerda Verburg said, “The SUN  Joint Annual Assessment process is an important step in measuring milestone progress towards achievement of nutrition targets. I applaud the leadership of all SUN Country Focal Points who are preparing to undertake their JAA, which demonstrates their commitment to keep nutrition high on national agendas. This is even more important during a time when SUN Countries are continuing to face the severe impacts of the ongoing global food and nutrition crisis.”

The JAA process consists of country dialogues, also known as country consultations, and the preparation of a report. As they begin the JAA process, SUN Countries are invited to consult supporting JAA information and technical documents available to them.


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