SUN Movement Lead Group meet to reflect on country progress

The 5th meeting of the SUN Movement Lead Group took place on 15 April 2014. The meeting was exceptional in its energy and focus. During the meeting the Lead Group conveyed clear guidance to the SUN Movement as it accelerates its focus on implementation at scale and…

April 17, 2014 - Last update: February 10, 2023

The 5th meeting of the SUN Movement Lead Group took place on 15 April 2014.

The meeting was exceptional in its energy and focus. During the meeting the Lead Group conveyed clear guidance to the SUN Movement as it accelerates its focus on implementation at scale and realising results within its 50 member countries.  Members of the Lead Group re-iterated that it is the SUN countries that are at the heart of the Movement. 

A number of issues stood out in the meeting. They include the need for a) continued emphasis on women’s empowerment and nutrition justice; b) recognising the impact of a changing climate on people’s ability to access good nutrition; and c) appreciating that the impact of climate change will be felt hardest amongst those families and communities most at risk.  The Lead Group appreciated the Secretariat’s initiative to establish Communities of Practice that match the needs of SUN countries with the expertise in the Movement’s networks.  The Lead Group also appreciated the establishment of high level coordination mechanisms in SUN countries and supported the decentralisation of national multi-stakeholder nutrition platforms to sub-national (provincial and district) levels.   

The Terms of Reference and timetable for the Independent Comprehensive Evaluation of the SUN Movement were endorsed.  The work on Conflicts of Interest within the SUN Movement was acknowledged as providing a useful reference document for SUN countries and stakeholders alike.  Lead Group members continued to encourage improved cooperation between the SUN Movement networks, inter-sectorally and at national level: they also proposed that there be better tracking of the use of financial resources for nutrition. They felt that the achievements of the Movement should be better showcased and communicated and made the point that we should all be proud of what is being achieved!  

The Lead Group expressed the wish that the 2nd International Conference on Nutrition (19 – 21 November, 2014) be a successful venture that yields agreements that result in people’s good nutrition: they hope that the SUN Global Gathering (which precedes ICN2) will provide added impetus to the ICN2 participants as they seek to ensure good nutrition for all.

The summary note of the meeting can be found here Summary Note 5th SUN Lead Group Meeting (en) 

The Secretariat’s report on progress within the SUN Movement since September 2013 can be found here State of the SUN Movement Progress Report (en).
