UN Network for SUN/REACH Secretariat reaches out to other UN colleagues as it works to finalize the new UN Network for SUN Strategy

UN Network colleagues from country, regional and global levels coalesced during a series of ten conference calls that took place on 27-29th June, engaging 46 countries. With representation from six UN agencies (FAO, IFAD, UNFPA, UNICEF, WFP and WHO), REACH facilitators and members of the…

July 11, 2016 - Last update: February 10, 2023

UN Network colleagues from country, regional and global levels coalesced during a series of ten conference calls that took place on 27-29th June, engaging 46 countries. With representation from six UN agencies (FAO, IFAD, UNFPA, UNICEF, WFP and WHO), REACH facilitators and members of the UN Network for SUN/REACH Secretariat, the calls created a space for increasing communication and mutual understanding about the UN Network across these respective levels and agencies.

UN Network for SUN statistics at a glimpse

To date, UN Network focal points have been nominated in all of the 57 SUN countries. 42 UN Networks have currently nominated a Chair (74%), with FAO, UNICEF, WFP and WHO fulfilling the chairmanship role in at least one country. The current demographics indicate that agency representation of chairmanship varies vastly, with over half of the UN Networks at the country level (55%) chaired by UNICEF.

The calls were opened with an overview, which articulated the value added and other key aspects of the UN Network, drawing upon highlights of the draft UN Network for SUN Strategy, such as the results framework and reporting requirements. The calls were also an occasion to clarify the roles and functions of the UN Network at country and global levels and the positioning of REACH in the UN Network. Rich question and answer sessions followed the presentation, whereby recurring questions emerged about the composition of the Network at the country level, the modalities of appointment of Network chairs and the relationship with the UN Resident Coordinator, among other themes. In order to maintain the current momentum, participants were urged to update and validate the list of UN Network focal points and chairs through a new online platform and to develop UN Network work plans to guide network-specific activities for the remainder of the year. A follow-up round of country calls will be held in November 2016 to discuss reporting requirements for year 2016 in greater detail.

Learn more about the UN Network for SUN

