WASH Nutrition Forum features mirror sessions to inspire further collaboration between the two sectors

From 11 to 12 November 2015, the German WASH-Network, an alliance of 19 German non-governmental organisations, held an international conference on the nexus between water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) and nutrition security in the city of Bonn, Germany. Participants discussed strategies for integrating WASH and nutrition programming in development…

November 30, 2015 - Last update: February 10, 2023

WASHnut_forumFrom 11 to 12 November 2015, the German WASH-Network, an alliance of 19 German non-governmental organisations, held an international conference on the nexus between water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) and nutrition security in the city of Bonn, Germany. Participants discussed strategies for integrating WASH and nutrition programming in development and humanitarian contexts.

The main aim of the forum was to bring together the relevant experts from both sectors. During so-called “mirror sessions”, relevant sector professionals in similar positions from both the WASH and Nutrition sector presented their work / perspective. Hearing about the other respective sector, allows for reflection of one’s own work (hence “mirror”) and inspires further discussion with other experts and participants on complementarity and collaboration between the sectors and the identification of joint indicators. Recommendations, next steps, approaches, research, policy and advocacy issues were some of the outcomes of those sessions.

Learn more about the event and watch the live webcasts 

Go to the German WASH-Network website to register and find out more: German WASH-Network

As a follow up to the 2015 Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Forum held in Bonn, Germany, Action Contre le Faim (ACF) is looking for successful stories around the world to be included into the upcoming “ACF/ UNICEF/ ECHO WASH in Nutrition Operational Manual. Contribute before 15 December 2015.


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