
Displaying 4041 - 4060 of 4216

Malawi Civil Society Organizations’ Alliance Awarded $428,000

MPTF funding in Malawi will support the establishment of a strong, sustainable and influential Civil Society Organizations’ (CSO) Alliance to support the implementation of nutrition interventions outlined in the national agenda.
Publication date: TUE, 11 DEC, 2012

Niger: Civil Society Platform on Nutrition to Receive $428,000

Funding to support a civil society platform in Niger will seek to build awareness and capacity for nutrition and strengthen the ability of civil society to coordinate on issues related to nutrition as well as conduct a unified outreach effort among government and donors.
Publication date: TUE, 11 DEC, 2012

Mozambique: Civil Society awarded $428,000 to strengthen scaling up nutrition

Funding for strengthening capacity and coordination among civil society in Mozambique comes at an important time, as the country works to roll out implementation of the 10-year Action Plan for reducing chronic malnutrition.
Publication date: TUE, 11 DEC, 2012

$2.1 Million Awarded to Five National Civil Society Platforms via SUN MTPF

Over $2.1 million has been awarded to national civil society platforms in five SUN countries – Bangladesh, Malawi, Mozambique, Niger and Uganda – through the SUN Multi-Partner Trust Fund (MPTF).
Publication date: FRI, 7 DEC, 2012

Funding Approved to Support Civil Society Coordination on SUN in Bangladesh

Funding to support the development and operation of the Civil Society Alliance for Scaling Up Nutrition in Bangladesh (CSA for SUN, BD) will be provided by the SUN Movement Multi-Partner Trust Fund (MPTF) in the amount of $535,000 USD for the period January 2013-December 2015
Publication date: FRI, 7 DEC, 2012

Mary Robinson: The Gender Dimension of Food and Nutrition Security

On UNFCCC Gender Day at COP18/ CMP8, the Mary Robinson Foundation – Climate Justice releases a video and a policy brief on the gender dimensions of food and nutrition security in the context of climate change.
Publication date: THU, 6 DEC, 2012

Climate change will mean more malnourished children, experts warn

Food prices will more than double and the number of malnourished children spiral if climate change is not checked and developing countries are not helped to adapt their farming, food and water experts warned on Tuesday at the UN climate talks in Doha.
Publication date: THU, 6 DEC, 2012

SUN Movement November Update

Read the November 2012 Update and sign up to receive monthly updates from the SUN Movement.
Publication date: TUE, 4 DEC, 2012

BBC News Viewpoint: Let’s make malnutrition visible

By Lawrence Haddad, Director of the Institute of Development Studies in Sussex: “Malnutrition is an “invisible crisis” – ignored by development agencies and governments. Taken more seriously, argues Lawrence Haddad, Director of the Institute of Development Studies in Sussex, it could be eradicated in 20…
Publication date: MON, 3 DEC, 2012

IBFAN Paper on Scaling Up Nutrition

The International Baby Food Action Network (IBFAN) sent a discussion paper to Dr. David Nabarro, SUN Coordinator and others in the SUN Movement on 25 November, outlining six fundamental concerns with the SUN Movement Strategy and makes seven recommendations. On behalf on Mr. Anthony Lake, Chair of the SUN Lead Group and Dr. David Nabarro a letter of response was sent to Patti Rundall, Policy Director of Baby Milk Action, on 27 November.
Publication date: SAT, 1 DEC, 2012

Scaling up nutrition in focus at the 13th ECOWAS Nutrition Forum

The 13th Nutrition Forum of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) was held from 5-9 November in Ouagadougou in Burkina Faso. The theme of the Forum was “Roles of local governments, communities, civil society and the private sector in scaling up nutrition interventions”. The Nutrition Forum provides a platform for ECOWAS countries to build a deeper collective understanding of sustainable and integrated approaches to food security and nutrition.
Publication date: FRI, 30 NOV, 2012

David Nabarro discusses food and nutrition security on BBC World News

SUN Movement Coordinator, Dr. David Nabarro was interviewed on BBC World News Service 29 November, to discuss issues of food and nutrition security – with an emphasis the central role of women in developing long-term, sustainable solutions.
Publication date: FRI, 30 NOV, 2012

Graça Machel applauds Namibia for strong commitment to scale up nutrition

Global Children’s Advocate and Child Rights Advocate, Mrs. Graca Machel arrived in Namibia on 20 November 2012 for a three day visit to support the Government and its partners to accelerate efforts to scale up nutrition and reduce stunting in the country.
Publication date: FRI, 30 NOV, 2012
RESOURCE / Technical guidance and reports

Zambia - first 1000 most critical days programme (2013-2015)

Publication date: FRI, 30 NOV, 2012

Indonesia Commits to Scaling Up Nutrition

On November 20, Indonesia’s commitment to the SUN Movement was the focus of the National Conference on Food and Nutrition.
Publication date: WED, 28 NOV, 2012

Namibia Making Progress in Scaling Up Nutrition

Last week, the Government of Namibia and UNICEF hosted an event to highlight the efforts needed to continue to fight hunger and inequalities nation-wide.
Publication date: WED, 28 NOV, 2012
RESOURCE / Technical reports and research

SUN Civil Society Network Mapping Report (2013)

Publication date: SUN, 25 NOV, 2012

Bread for the World Releases 2013 Hunger Report: Within Reach – Global Development Goals

A new report issued by Bread for the World yesterday showed the progress being made in many countries towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) agreed upon in 2000. Within Reach: Global Development Goals, 2013 Hunger Report calls for increased focus on ending hunger and extreme poverty as the 2015 MDG deadline approaches, as well as in the post-2015 development framework and goals.
Publication date: WED, 21 NOV, 2012

Kenya: National Symposium Held To Launch the SUN Movement

The Scaling Up Nutrition Symposium was held on 5-6 November 2012, at Safari Park Hotel, Nairobi and attended by about 300 delegates representing Government ministries, Kenya’s 47 counties, the private sector, donors, UN agencies (FAO, WHO and UNICEF), the World Bank, USAID, regional bodies, NGOs, CBOs and the media.
Publication date: FRI, 16 NOV, 2012

Introducing Civil Society Alliance for Scaling Up Nutrition, Bangladesh

Bangladesh has formed the Civil Society Alliance for Scaling Up Nutrition in Bangladesh (CSA for SUN, BD), composed of representatives from civil society networks across Bangladesh to work under the leadership of the government, to advocate for the further development of the national nutrition agenda and ultimately improve the lives of malnourished people across this country.
Publication date: WED, 14 NOV, 2012