
Displaying 941 - 960 of 4216

Malawi: Chingondo irrigation scheme back to life after more than a year

After being idle for more than a year, farmers from the Ngabu Traditional Authority in Nsanje district are happy to be cultivating Chingondo Irrigation Scheme again. Differences in rentals between their irrigation agreement and surrounding irrigation arrangements resulted in dispute, which, through key stakeholder negotiations…
Publication date: WED, 1 SEP, 2021

The SUN Movement celebrates 2021 World Breastfeeding Week

Each year, from 1-7 August, countries, organisations and nutrition champions celebrate World Breastfeeding Week all over the world. In 2021, under its theme ‘Protect Breastfeeding: A Shared Responsibility’, this week served as an important a time to revisit the commitments made at the start of…
Publication date: MON, 30 AUG, 2021

Central and South Asia launch SUN Movement Strategy for 2021-2025

On 25 August 2021, a Central and South Asia virtual regional event, attended by some 120 participants from all over the world, took place to launch the SUN Movement Strategy for its third phase (2021-2025). Hosted by Dr Kiran Rupakhetee, Joint Secretary of the National…
Publication date: THU, 26 AUG, 2021

Kyrgyzstan: on a mission to protect breastfeeding

*A version of this article was published by the SUN Civil Society Network on 5 August 2021. Since 2019, the SUN Civil Society Alliance of Kyrgyzstan has played an active role, alongside the Ministry of Health, members of Parliament and UNICEF, to revise the Law…
Publication date: TUE, 24 AUG, 2021

Costa Rica launches dietary guidelines for children under 2: only 39.7% have an adequate diet

On 11 August, during World Breastfeeding Week 2021, Costa Rica launched dietary guidelines focusing specifically on nutrition during the critical first 1,000-day window of opportunity, from conception until a girl or boy is two years old. These guidelines aim to improve eating habits and reduce…
Publication date: TUE, 24 AUG, 2021

Côte d’Ivoire: interview with Françoise N’Guessan, Marahoué Regional Coordinator and tireless nutrition activist

“The baby was stunted in utero, we needed millet porridge to make him fat.” “Exclusive breastfeeding isn’t a good idea. With the heat, add water so that the baby is not thirsty.” It was not uncommon to hear this sort of advice in the region…
Publication date: MON, 23 AUG, 2021

Sierra Leone passes ground-breaking law to protect breastfeeding

06 August 2021 — The Parliament of Sierra Leone has approved a bill to regulate the marketing of breastmilk substitutes (also called infant formula) to improve the nutrition of infants and young children. Sierra Leone joins 136 other countries with similar laws to protect and…
Publication date: FRI, 6 AUG, 2021
RESOURCE / Briefs/ fact sheets

Open Letter - Cambodia

Publication date: THU, 5 AUG, 2021
RESOURCE / Toolkits/ tools

The Advocacy toolkit. Stunting prevention

Developed in 2021, this toolkit provides resources, guidelines and examples for UNICEF’s nutrition team and communications officers at country level to adapt advocacy tools and organize events and campaigns for different audiences, focusing on...
Publication date: THU, 5 AUG, 2021
RESOURCE / Briefs/ fact sheets

A synthesis of working group recommendations to guide the development of the ‘Wasting Reset’ manifesto

This synthesis document summarises the critical components of the six working group briefs, outlining the two main recommendations for each theme. The manifesto will be launched at the upcoming N4G Summit
Publication date: SUN, 1 AUG, 2021
RESOURCE / Technical guidance and reports

Shaping commitments to improve nutrition data and accountability in support of food, health and prosperity for all

Publication date: SUN, 1 AUG, 2021
RESOURCE / Briefs/ fact sheets

Solutions from the advocacy working group

This brief provides concrete recommendations for how diverse stakeholders can leverage advocacy and accountability to build momentum around these key milestones, to accelerate progress in wasting reduction.
Publication date: SAT, 31 JUL, 2021
RESOURCE / Toolkits/ tools

Breastfeeding safely during the COVID-19 pandemic

Publication date: THU, 29 JUL, 2021
RESOURCE / National plans

Advocacy And Comms Plan - Somalia

Publication date: THU, 29 JUL, 2021
RESOURCE / Toolkits/ tools

Nutrition for Growth 2021 Advocacy Toolkit

Publication date: MON, 5 JUL, 2021
RESOURCE / Briefs/ fact sheets

Fixing Food 2021: An opportunity for G20 countries to lead the way

Publication date: THU, 1 JUL, 2021
RESOURCE / Toolkits/ tools

Nutrition for Growth Year of Action: Nine SMART breastfeeding pledges

Publication date: THU, 1 JUL, 2021
RESOURCE / SUN operations documents

Annual Financial Report (1 January 2020 – 31 December 2020)

Publication date: MON, 28 JUN, 2021
RESOURCE / SUN Progress Reports

Annual Implementation Report (1 January 2020 – 31 December 2020)

Publication date: THU, 24 JUN, 2021

SUN’s Third Phase rises for Philippines, a call for intensified nutrition actions

The Scaling Up Movement( SUN) 3.0, the third phase of the United Nations-established movement, calls for accelerated results to eliminate all forms of malnutrition by 2030. In the launch of the SUN 3.0 strategy in the Philippines, stakeholders from the SUN Networks including government, civil…
Publication date: MON, 7 JUN, 2021