
Displaying 1321 - 1340 of 4216

Investing in the data value chain for nutrition in West Africa

* Originally published by Transform Nutrition West Africa by Roos Verstraeten (TNWA/IFPRI), Rebecca Heidkamp (DataDENT) and Barbara Baille (UNICEF) The Together for Nutrition: West African Data Forum was convened in Saly, Senegal in February 2020 by a group of regional and global partners. The group was led…
Publication date: TUE, 23 JUN, 2020

Preventing the COVID-19 crisis from becoming a food crisis in LAC

As a result of the crisis prompted by the COVID-19 pandemic, the population living in extreme poverty in Latin America and the Caribbean could reach 83.4 million people in 2020, which would entail a significant rise in hunger levels due to the difficulties these people…
Publication date: MON, 22 JUN, 2020
RESOURCE / Toolkits/ tools

WHO Breastfeeding and COVID-19 Scientific Brief

Publication date: MON, 22 JUN, 2020
RESOURCE / SUN operations documents

Annual Financial Report (1 January 2019 – 31 December 2019)

Publication date: MON, 22 JUN, 2020

Growing food to tackle coronavirus and child malnutrition in Malawi

Written by Francis Thawani – Communications Officer, WFP Malawi WFP and Government are working to train mothers in agriculture as poor diets put the lives of 56,000 children at risk. “While my son, Chrispine, was being treated for malnutrition at the hospital, I received orange-fleshed potato vines…
Publication date: FRI, 19 JUN, 2020

COVID-19’s triple threat to gender equality, nutrition and future potential

* Originally published by 1,000 Days Written By Emma Feutl Kent, Global Policy and Advocacy Manager at 1,000 Days & Robyn Bright, Director of Advocacy at Nutrition International The global COVID-19 health crisis is unprecedented, in both its global scope and devastating impacts. What started…
Publication date: FRI, 19 JUN, 2020

Mobilizing ambitious and impactful commitments for mainstreaming nutrition in health systems

Progress towards good health for all and the health-related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is only possible when Universal Health Coverage (UHC) is achieved: when everyone, everywhere has access to health services, without risk of financial ruin or impoverishment. As malnutrition increases the risk of illness…
Publication date: THU, 18 JUN, 2020
RESOURCE / SUN Progress Reports

Annual Implementation Report (1 January 2019 – 31 December 2019)

Publication date: THU, 18 JUN, 2020

Faced with Covid-19, the EU and UNICEF guarantee continuity of vital care for malnourished children in Niger

UNICEF Niger will benefit from USD 2.6 million dollars of financial aid from the Humanitarian Aid Department of the European Union (ECHO), ensuring that children suffering from severe acute malnutrition receive quality treatment and care during the Covid-19 crisis. “We are deeply concerned at the…
Publication date: WED, 17 JUN, 2020

Parliamentarians and universities in Honduras unite to work for food, in crisis due to COVID-19

At the end of May, the Parliamentary Front against Hunger (FPH) and the Honduran Observatory on the Right to Food (ODA) launched a joint appeal due to the COVID-19 emergency and its consequences for the country’s food sector. “It is an appeal, an open letter…
Publication date: WED, 17 JUN, 2020

Millions at risk of severe food insecurity in Latin America and the Caribbean due to COVID-19

The socio-economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in Latin America and the Caribbean could potentially leave around 14 million* vulnerable people in severe food insecurity this year, warranting urgent attention to save lives, according to projections by the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP). “It…
Publication date: WED, 17 JUN, 2020

Nutrition and Gender Equality: Linking Sectors for COVID-19 Response and Beyond

* Originally published by CanWaCH – Written by World Vision Canada Over the past several months, the COVID-19 pandemic has been top of mind for most Canadians, drawing daily headlines and news coverage as governments across the world fight to contain its impacts. While global…
Publication date: TUE, 16 JUN, 2020
RESOURCE / Briefs/ fact sheets

MEPs discussed actions to contain hunger pandemic with WFP Executive Director

Publication date: TUE, 16 JUN, 2020

Health experts concerned about indirect effects of COVID-19 on women and youth

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to escalate, the World Health Organization (WHO) is concerned about its impact on women, children and young people. “The indirect effects of COVID-19 on these groups may be greater than the number of deaths due to the virus itself”, agency chief Tedros…
Publication date: MON, 15 JUN, 2020

Emerging data suggest COVID-19 is driving up hunger in vulnerable countries

Initial and ongoing assessments by the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) provide strong indications that the COVID-19 pandemic and its impacts are driving up hunger in countries that were already experiencing high levels of food insecurity prior to the disease’s outbreak. “The COVID-19 pandemic…
Publication date: FRI, 12 JUN, 2020

Combatting the consequences of COVID-19 with fortified food staples

by Sri Kusyuniati, Country Director — Indonesia, Nutrition International Two hundred million people in Indonesia regularly begin their day by eating foods made with fortified wheat flour, getting their daily dose of vitamins and minerals through bread, noodles, or other standard fare. These nutrients are…
Publication date: THU, 11 JUN, 2020

UN Secretary-General launches policy brief on food security

“Although the COVID-19 pandemic could push nearly 50 million more people into extreme poverty, this and other dire impacts of the crisis can be avoided if countries act immediately to shore up global food security” António Guterres, UN Secretary-General For his latest policy brief on…
Publication date: WED, 10 JUN, 2020

African Development Bank unveils strategy roadmap to safeguard food security against impacts of COVID-19

The African Development Bank has unveiled a strategic roadmap of projects and programmes to assist African countries in tackling the nutrition and food security aspects of the COVID-19 crisis through a raft of immediate and longer-term measures. The Feed Africa Response to COVID-19 (FAREC) paves…
Publication date: TUE, 9 JUN, 2020

Nutrition International reviews its technical assistance portfolio in light of the COVID-19 pandemic

* Originally published by Nutrition International In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, Nutrition International’s Nutrition Technical Assistance Mechanism (NTEAM) has conducted a thorough review across its portfolio of current or planned Technical Assistance (TA) to determine, and implement, the necessary modifications that could optimize their contribution to…
Publication date: TUE, 9 JUN, 2020

Take-home food rations to schoolchildren in Tajikistan as part of its response to coronavirus crisis

As part of its response to the Coronavirus pandemic, the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) provided one-off take-home food rations to 24,000 vulnerable families whose children benefit from WFP’s school feeding programme in Tajikistan. The food rations support the government’s Social Protection Preparedness and…
Publication date: MON, 8 JUN, 2020