Country Profiles

Country Profiles

SUN Member Countries annually self-assess their progress against key nutrition targets. Read the latest SUN Country Profiles to discover each country’s key nutrition objectives and progress.

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Special Focus: Global Food and Nutrition Crisis Response

Special Focus: Global Food and Nutrition Crisis Response

The world is now facing a global food and nutrition crisis, which comes on top of other health, conflict and economic crises. Visit our Special Focus area on the crisis to access the latest news and information, and how the SUN Movement and SUN Countries are responding.

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Annual Progress Report Letter 2021

SUN Annual Progress Report Letter 2021

The SUN Movement reports annually on progress made by SUN Countries towards achievement of key nutrition targets, and how the SUN Movement is supporting them to do so. Read the current progress report to discover the latest achievements.

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Tools available

Toolkits Available

Members of the SUN Movement have developed many useful toolkits and other resources to support SUN Countries to progress against their key nutrition targets. Access these useful toolkits here.

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