Basanta Kumar Kar of Bangladesh and India – 2016 Transform Nutrition Champion

Basanta Kumar Kar of Bangladesh and India – 2016 Transform Nutrition Champion

Basanta Kumar Kar is a poet, a development practitioner and a nutrition champion. He has seen poverty and malnutrition at close quarters since childhood. He has led, or been involved in, many successful nutrition initiatives in South Asia (particularly in India and Bangladesh) whilst working at…

June 29, 2016 - Last update: February 10, 2023

Slide01Basanta Kumar Kar is a poet, a development practitioner and a nutrition champion. He has seen poverty and malnutrition at close quarters since childhood. He has led, or been involved in, many successful nutrition initiatives in South Asia (particularly in India and Bangladesh) whilst working at the National Dairy Development Board (NDDB) Oil Project, ActionAid InternationalCAREGlobal Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) and The Coalition for Food and Nutrition Security (India).

One such initiative was the rolling out of a pioneering pilot programme on Vitamin A fortification of refined vegetable oil. The programme reached over 45 million people in Bangladesh. As the country lead for GAIN, Basanta subsequently worked with stakeholders to support the “Fortification in Edible Oil with Vitamin A Bill, 2013,” which was passed by the Bangladesh Parliament.

Continue reading Basanta’s inspiring story at Transform Nutrition

Transform Nutrition Champions

This follows a first round of Nutrition Champions in 2013, awarded by Ellen Piwoz from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation at the 2013 SUN Movement Global Gathering. In 2016, Transform Nutrition in partnership with Save the Children, announced ten individuals as the 2016 Transform Nutrition Champions. These individuals have been recognised for their significant success in transforming thinking or action in nutrition. The 2016 Transform Nutrition Champions are Basanta Kumar Kar of Bangladesh and India, Christina Muyama of Uganda, Christopher Dube of Zambia, Debjeet Sarangi of India, Frealem Shibabaw of Ethiopia, Manaan Mumma of Kenya, Neerja Chowdhury of India, San San Myint of Myanmar, V. Ramani of India and William Chilufya of Zambia.

Learn about the 2013 Transform Nutrition Champions Luis Enrique Monterroso of Guatemala, Banda Ndiaye  of Senegal and Terry Wefwafwa of Kenya.

In the video below, Nick Nisbett (Institute of Development Studies) and Marie Rumsby (Save the Children) discuss the Transform Nutrition Champions 2016 initiative.


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