New Save the Children report highlights unequal progress in tackling malnutrition

New Save the Children report highlights unequal progress in tackling malnutrition

Launched in June 2016, a new report by Save the Children has revealed the results of new research into what makes some children more vulnerable to malnutrition than others. The report, Unequal Portions: ending malnutrition for every child, is part of a new campaign, Every Last Child, aiming…

June 29, 2016 - Last update: February 10, 2023

Unequal portions reportLaunched in June 2016, a new report by Save the Children has revealed the results of new research into what makes some children more vulnerable to malnutrition than others. The report, Unequal Portions: ending malnutrition for every child, is part of a new campaign, Every Last Child, aiming at ensuring that every last child survives and thrives.

Good nutrition – a healthy, balanced, adequate diet – is a matter of life or death. And the difference between surviving or thriving.

It is essential for a healthy immune system, to protect against disease throughout life. And it’s crucial for a country’s inclusive and sustainable development.

But progress in tackling malnutrition is far too slow. Millions of children are missing out on adequate nutrition because of who they are and where they live. They are discriminated against because of their ethnicity or disability; they are excluded because of their parents’ lack of income or after being forced from their homes.

The report analyses data from a range of sources to show how a deadly combination of poverty and discrimination is robbing certain groups of children – girls, children from ethnic minorities, those in disadvantaged regions of their country, disabled children, and children affected by war – of the healthy, balanced diet they need to survive and thrive.

Drawing on new findings and analysis, this report identifies a series of measures to ensure no child is left behind. And it calls on world leaders to address exclusion and ensure every last child gets the nutrition they need.

Download the full report English

Download the summary English

Learn more about Save the Children’s Every Last Child campaign


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