SUN Network Facilitators face-to-face meeting 2016

On 12 February 2016, the first face-to-face SUN Network Facilitators meeting was held in Geneva, Switzerland. The meeting focused on the development of the SUN Movement Strategy and Road Map (2016-2020) to date and to further develop the path ahead. The meeting brought together at least…

March 1, 2016 - Last update: February 10, 2023

On 12 February 2016, the first face-to-face SUN Network Facilitators meeting was held in Geneva, Switzerland. The meeting focused on the development of the SUN Movement Strategy and Road Map (2016-2020) to date and to further develop the path ahead. The meeting brought together at least two representatives from each of the four SUN Networks (business, civil society, donor and United Nations).

Participants discussed the common and differentiated roles and responsibilities of each network, their diverse configuration, their added value, their resourcing needs, how best to harmonize language, and how to best align the individual and collective contributions needed to achieve the SUN Movement’s vision for 2020.

The discussions that followed shed light on crucial issues, allowed the supporting structures of the Movement to build a shared understanding on topics of shared concern, and raised additional questions that will need to be addressed going forward.

A summary of the meeting will be made available on the SUN Networks homepage


SUN Global Support System
SUN Business Network SUN Civil Society Network SUN Donor Network