Empowering parliamentarians for sustainable nutrition action in Tanzania

Thu, 18 Jan, 2024

Good practices help us all to reflect on our nutrition journey, document our progress and capture our lessons learned – including challenges and successes – that we can learn from and that we can share with others to strengthen all of our SUN Country nutrition action.

Engagement with parliamentarians, as key players in the political landscape, is critical for advancing the nutrition agenda. Not only can members of parliament influence budgets and expenditures for nutrition, but engaging them can also contribute to mainstreaming nutrition, food security and children’s rights into policies and strategies across sectors and help raise public awareness about nutrition issues.

In this regard, Tanzania has seen a transformative shift in recent years, catalysed by the proactive engagement between the Parliamentary Group on Nutrition, Food Security, and Child Rights and the SUN Civil Society Alliance (PANITA). This collaborative initiative has helped elevate nutrition as a paramount agenda in the country’s developmental discourse.


Partnership for Nutrition in Tanzania (PANITA)
East and Southern Africa
Regional hub
Anglophone Africa
SUN Civil Society Network
Resource type
Action Brief
Civil society Government