Regional hub

Anglophone Africa

Based in:
Nairobi, Kenya


The Anglophone Africa Hub, based in Nairobi, Kenya, is currently composed of 16 SUN countries:  Botswana, Ethiopia, Eswatini, Gambia, Ghana, Lesotho, Liberia, Kenya, Malawi, Namibia, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.

Each country in the Anglophone Africa Hub has a SUN Government Focal point, whose role is to unite the nutrition community and elevate nutrition up the national agenda.

At the SUN Movement Secretariat level, the work of the Regional Hub is coordinated by the Regional Representative, Ms. Tendai Gunda, who is based in Nairobi.

Hub priorities

  • Ensure country-led and country-driven support to SUN countries in the hub
  • Strengthening partnerships with Regional Economic Communities and Regional Coordination platforms in the regions to better position SUN in the Nutrition space in the region. In addition, better alignment, coordination and collaboration with Regional Nutrition priorities as defined by member states.
  • Development of the SUN Business network for nutrition, as well as the Academia network and re-activation of all networks
  • Documentation and dissemination of Good Practices
  • Develop a roadmap for Anglophone Africa
  • Set African Union Year of Nutrition priority actions for the hub
  • Facilitate Knowledge exchange among SUN countries within and without the hub