
Displaying 2381 - 2400 of 4221

Report launch in Tokyo strengthens Japans leadership in nutrition

In April 2017, a Global Nutrition Report (GNR) launch event was held in Japan to bring together high-level decision makers for nutrition and to continue follow up of the Nutrition for Growth Summit in London 2013. Japan is one of the world’s key providers of Official Development Assistance (ODA), including for nutrition and will host the 2020 Nutrition for Growth event.
Publication date: TUE, 16 MAY, 2017

The World Bank puts a spotlight on nutrition: Unlocking Human Potential

On 22 April 2017, global leaders came together to make the investment case for nutrition at the, “Spotlight on Nutrition: Unlocking human Potential and Economic Growth” event, co-hosted by the World Bank and the United Kingdom Department for International Development (DFID). The event included a panel of ministers and leaders, laying out how their countries and organisations plan to scale-up action on nutrition. The event was a follow up to the October 2016 Human Capital Summit on the importance of nutrition as an investment to unlock human capital and economic prosperity.
Publication date: TUE, 16 MAY, 2017

Quarterly Update: UN Network for SUN Q1 2017

This Quarterly Update shares the progress made by the UN Network for SUN from January to March 2017 in accelerating the scale-up of efforts to improve nutrition.
Publication date: SUN, 7 MAY, 2017

Businesses join the fight against malnutrition with the “Anjaramasoandro” network in Madagascar

On 25 April 2017, a new platform to engage the private sector on nutrition was launched in Madagascar. The new platform titled, “Anjaramasoandro”, brought together 10 founding member companies to the National Nutrition Office in Anosy. The establishment of the platform demonstrates the commitment of businesses in Madagascar to join the fight against malnutrition, aligning efforts behind government priorities.
Publication date: SAT, 6 MAY, 2017

President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf reaffirms commitment to Zero Hunger in Liberia

On 19 April 2017, during a visit from the World Food Programme Regional Director for Central and West Africa Abdou Dieng President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf reaffirmed support for the ongoing government-led zero hunger strategic review exercise and the school feeding (also known as home-grown school feeding) programme.
Publication date: SAT, 6 MAY, 2017

Reflecting on the important role of the media as a driver of change

Today, 3 May 2017, is an occasion to celebrate World Press Freedom Day, to recognise the importance of free, independent and quality journalism that can thrive when information is available to all without restrictions. Freedom of expression and freedom of information are fundamental rights and essential for sustainable development. The SUN Movement recognises that malnutrition has multiple causes and uniting the efforts of multiple sectors and stakeholders is fundamental to addressing the challenge, including the media.
Publication date: SAT, 6 MAY, 2017
RESOURCE / Briefs/ fact sheets

SUN movement coordinator visit to Madagascar (FR)

Publication date: SAT, 6 MAY, 2017

SUN Movement Newsletter: April 2017 Update

Feature: The Inter-Parliamentarian Union (IPU) brought together over 1,000 delegates for the 136th IPU General Assembly under the theme “Redressing inequalities: Delivering on dignity and well-being for all”. ENGLISH
Publication date: FRI, 5 MAY, 2017

Prime Minister of Nepal shares progress towards Scaling Up Nutrition

From 5-7 April 2017, various nutrition champions across Nepal came together to engage on nutrition during a visit from SUN Movement Coordinator and UN Assistant Secretary-General, Gerda Verburg.
Publication date: FRI, 5 MAY, 2017

SUN Movement Coordinator visits Pakistan to boost policy into action

From 9 to 12 April 2017, SUN Movement Coordinator and Assistant Secretary-General, Ms Gerda Verburg, joined high level decision makers in Pakistan to reflect on progress made and the road ahead in scaling up nutrition. The schedule encompassed a wide range of meetings and activities including workshops, ministerial meetings and a television talk show.
Publication date: FRI, 5 MAY, 2017

In Brazil, research community and policy-makers discuss how research can be repositioned to focus on food systems that support high-quality diets

On May 3, 2017 at the Embrapa HQ, Brasilia, the Global Panel on Agriculture and Food Systems for Nutrition, in partnership with Embrapa, has organised a high-level event that brings together the research community and policy-makers to identify policies and actions of agricultural research to improve diet quality, nutrition and health outcomes in Brazil.
Publication date: THU, 4 MAY, 2017
RESOURCE / Briefs/ fact sheets

SUN movement coordinator visit to Mozambique

Publication date: TUE, 2 MAY, 2017
RESOURCE / Toolkits/ tools

Implementation of the SDGs at the national level: How to advocate for nutrition-related targets and indicators

In May 2017, the SUN Civil Society Network launched a new toolkit to ensure that the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) related to nutrition are well-integrated in national development plans, policies, and strategies. For the next 15 years, each...
Publication date: MON, 1 MAY, 2017
RESOURCE / Toolkits/ tools

Scorecard on national nutrition targets

In 2012, the World Health Assembly (WHA) adopted a resolution establishing six global nutrition targets. The targets, to be achieved by 2025, focus on reducing stunting, wasting, anaemia, low birth weight, childhood overweight and increasing...
Publication date: MON, 1 MAY, 2017
RESOURCE / Briefs/ fact sheets

Levels and trends in child malnutrition - Key findings 2017

Publication date: MON, 1 MAY, 2017
RESOURCE / Briefs/ fact sheets

SUN movement coordinator visit to Lesotho

Publication date: SUN, 30 APR, 2017
RESOURCE / National plans

National Nutrition Plan - Gabon

Publication date: SUN, 30 APR, 2017

Childhood stunting – Joint article by UNICEF, WFP, WHO and FAO

CHILDHOOD stunting is the physical manifestation of profound mental and developmental delays in growth. Technically, it is defined as the height for a child’s age below the fifth percentile on a reference growth curve. However, it can blight the future of a child as it lowers educational attainment and job earnings. Stunting affects a massive percentage of the world’s youth: nearly half of all children are stunted in Pakistan. Apart from particularly impaired cognitive development, stunting has staggering implications in other arenas; for instance, the GDP of countries is measurably lower.
Publication date: TUE, 18 APR, 2017

Breaking the cycle – by Neil Buhne

STUNTING in Pakistan is a tragedy of epic proportions; a tragedy that we can, and must, overcome. Nearly half of Pakistan’s children — 44pc — suffer from stunted growth (National Nutrition Survey 2011). This is the third highest number of stunted children in the world.
Publication date: TUE, 18 APR, 2017

UNSCN Discussion Paper – Global Governance for Nutrition and the role of UNSCN

UNSCN Discussion Paper – Global Governance for Nutrition and the role of UNSCN
Publication date: WED, 12 APR, 2017