
Displaying 2421 - 2440 of 4221

Knowledge Management workshop in support of SUN Countries

From 21 – 22 March 2017, ENN and the SUN Movement Secretariat organised a workshop in Geneva, Switzerland, to bring together a small group of known providers in the field of knowledge management in support of SUN Countries. This was the first workshop of its kind for the SUN Movement and in addition to SUN Network Facilitators, representatives came from Alive & Thrive, the Global Nutrition Cluster, the Global Panel for Agriculture and Nutrition, IFPRI, the Institute of Development Studies, Micronutrient Initiative, MQSUN II the Sackler Institute for Nutrition Sciences, the World Bank’s South Asia food and nutrition security initiative (SAFANSI), Secure Nutrition, SPRING and the World Health Organisati
Publication date: THU, 30 MAR, 2017

Home Grown School Feeding features on International School Meals Day

On 9 March 2017, International School Meals Day was celebrated around the world as a timely reminder of the need to promote good nutrition and healthy eating habits for all children regardless of their circumstances.
Publication date: WED, 29 MAR, 2017

SUN Movement February 2017 Update

Feature: Welcome to the Central African Republic, the 59th country to join the SUN Movement ENGLISH
Publication date: WED, 29 MAR, 2017

SUN Movement January 2017 Update

Feature: Join us in welcoming Gabon as the 58th country to join the SUN Movement! ENGLISH
Publication date: WED, 29 MAR, 2017

UN officials call for urgent action to avert famine in South Sudan, Somalia, Yemen and north-east Nigeria

On 10 March 2017, following country visits, UN Emergency Relief Coordinator Stephen O’Brien urged the international community for comprehensive action to save people facing or at risk of famine. In his address to the Security Council the top United Nations official warned, without collective and global efforts, people risked starving to death and succumbing to disease, stunted children and lost futures, and mass displacements and reversed development gains.
Publication date: TUE, 28 MAR, 2017

Cash transfers, behavior change, and resilience in Niger’s Adaptive Social Safety Nets Program

In 2016, the project added components to promote an adaptive social protection system in Niger. These include mechanisms to make social protection interventions more responsive to shocks and allow poor and vulnerable households to build their resilience. The goal of this newer program is to protect the poor from climate and other shocks before they occur (for example through predictable transfers and building community assets) and also to scale up when extreme events hit.
Publication date: MON, 27 MAR, 2017

The power of partnerships is highlighted in The Gambia during African Day of School Feeding

On 1 March 2017, on the occasion of Africa School Meals Day, The Gambia Government through the Ministry of Basic and Secondary Education (MOBSE) and the World Food Programme (WFP) highlighted the important role of partnership in achieving a sustainable school meals programme. More than 100, 000 students in 368 schools in all six regions receive daily meals each year thanks to the Government of the Gambia and valuable support of donors such as the European Union, the Governments of Japan and the Republic of Korea
Publication date: MON, 27 MAR, 2017

Hillside Primary School hosts the African Day of School Feeding celebration in Namibia

On 1 March 2017, the principal of Hillside Primary School, Nathalië Uaendere hosted officials from the Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture to commemorate the Africa Day of School Feeding. To mark the occasion, partner company Namibia Dairies and Pick n Pay gave every learner in her school a carton of Oshikandela cultured milk to commemorate the Africa Day of School Feeding.
Publication date: MON, 27 MAR, 2017

Kokbe Tsebah Primary School celebrates African Day of School Feeding in Ethiopia

On 1 March 2017, the African Day of School Meals was officially celebrated at Kokbe Tsebah Primary School in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, under the theme, “Home Grown School Feeding: Investment in Youth and Children for Harnessing the Demographic Dividend”. Around one hundred guests and partners attended, including the First Lady of Ethiopia, the Minister of Education, State Minister of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Deputy Minister for Basic Education, WFP Head of Programmes, representatives of USAID, and UNICEF.
Publication date: MON, 27 MAR, 2017

School meals celebrated as an investment in Africa’s future

Every day, 370 million children around the world receive food at school provided by their governments. Governments invest in school meals because they are a powerful tool in efforts to end malnutrition, helping to ensure every child has access to education, health and nutrition. This is why, on 1 March 2017, people gathered across the continent to celebrate the second African Day of School Meals.
Publication date: MON, 27 MAR, 2017

New website shows us where we need to invest in nutrition

In support of ambitious goals for women and children around the world, Results for Development together with the World Bank and 1,000 Days developed financing scenarios for the required investment of $70 billion above current spending over the next 10 years. On 13 March 2017,…
Publication date: FRI, 24 MAR, 2017
RESOURCE / Briefs/ fact sheets

Mapping Information Systems for Nutrition in SUN Countries

Publication date: SUN, 19 MAR, 2017

Could Nutrition Be The Step Missing To Truly Step It Up For Gender Equality Towards A Planet 50-50 by 2030?

Could Nutrition Be The Step Missing To Truly Step It Up For Gender Equality Towards A Planet 50-50 by 2030? Gerda Verburg, UN Assistant Secretary-General and SUN Movement Coordinator shares her thoughts on International Womens Day 2017.
Publication date: THU, 16 MAR, 2017

West African civil society make a collective call for nutrition action from Senegal workshop

From 28 February 2017, civil society nutrition champions from 12 SUN Countries came together for a four-day workshop in Dakar, Senegal, to strengthen advocacy capacities for scaling up nutrition. The SUN Civil Society Network Workshop was organized by Action Against Hunger and its partners – UNICEF, Save the Children and Terre des Hommes.
Publication date: WED, 15 MAR, 2017

Expert panel explore a food systems approach to tackling malnutrition at WHO

On 23 February 2017, the World Health Organization hosted a nutrition seminar at its headquarters in Geneva to discuss the Global Panel’s recently launched Foresight report Food systems and diets: Facing the challenges of the 21st century. A panel of experts discussed the benefits of a food systems…
Publication date: WED, 15 MAR, 2017

Pakistan calls for more focus on improving women’s health to address maternal malnutrition

On 6 March 2017, in connection with International Women’s Day, the Scaling Up Nutrition Civil Society Alliance Pakistan (SUNCSA,Pak) with the support of Micronutrient Initiative (MI), held a seminar on the importance of maternal malnutrition in Islamabad. Delivering the inaugural remarks, Ayesha Gulali, member of the National Assembly, applauded SUNCSA,Pak and MI for highlighting the crucial issue faced by most of the Pakistani population. Ms Gulali made a commitment to raise the issue of maternal malnutrition on the floor of Pakistan’s National Assembly and will advocate to the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government for the enactment of necessary legislations and allocation of adequate resources to address malnutrition.
Publication date: WED, 15 MAR, 2017

Theory of Change for Nutrition and Food Security workshop held in Nepal

On 21 February 2017, a two day workshop titled, “Theory of Change for Nutrition and Food Security: Preparation for Multi-sector Nutrition Plan (MSNP) II” was held in Kathmandu, Nepal. The workshop gathered 93 professionals from Nepal’s multistakeholder nutrition platform, spanning sectoral ministries and departments and representatives from donor agencies, UN agencies, development partners and civil society organizations.
Publication date: WED, 15 MAR, 2017

#GirlsCount invites you to count each of the 130 million girls who don’t have access to education

130 million girls didn’t go to school today. A new campaign from ONE aims to make that massive number mean something more than a statistic. Not because they didn’t want to, but because they weren’t given the chance. They are denied an education for a…
Publication date: WED, 15 MAR, 2017

Indonesian Ministers of finance, health, planning and development talk nutrition with SUN Movement Coordinator

On 22 February 2017, SUN Movement Coordinator and Assistant Secretary-General, Ms. Gerda Verburg, met with Ministers from a wide range of sectors during a two day visit to Indonesia. Gerda was welcomed by Ibu Nina Sardjunani at Indonesia’s Sustainable Development Secretariat Office – Ibu Nina has championed nutrition as a member the SUN Movement Lead Group since 2012. Ibu Sri Mulyani, Minister of Finance, Bapak Bambang Brodjonegoro, Minister of National Development Planning/Bappenas and Bapak Subandi, Deputy Minister and SUN Government Focal Point, met with Gerda in addition to policy makers from the Ministry of Health.
Publication date: TUE, 14 MAR, 2017

Top government officials in Cambodia meet with SUN Movement Coordinator to tackle malnutrition

On 20 February 2017, Gerda Verburg, SUN Movement Coordinator and UN Assistant Secretary-General, met with the Cambodian government to discuss progress in tackling malnutrition. During her two day visit, Ms. Verburg met with policy makers and champions from multiple sectors to discuss Cambodia’s the path towards achieving the sustainable development goals and better nutrition for all.
Publication date: MON, 13 MAR, 2017