
Displaying 301 - 320 of 4221
RESOURCE / Action Brief

Mainstreaming nutrition into municipal-level development plans with local funding in Benin

Good practices help us all to reflect on our nutrition journey, document our progress and capture our lessons learned – including challenges and successes – that we can learn from and that we can share with others to strengthen all of our SUN Country...
Publication date: TUE, 14 MAR, 2023
RESOURCE / Action Brief

Establishing, running and supervising Regional Nutrition Development Committees in Senegal

Good practices help us all to reflect on our nutrition journey, document our progress and capture our lessons learned – including challenges and successes – that we can learn from and that we can share with others to strengthen all of our SUN Country...
Publication date: TUE, 14 MAR, 2023
RESOURCE / Action Brief

Use of the child scorecard to accelerate the reduction of stunting in Rwanda

Good practices help us all to reflect on our nutrition journey, document our progress and capture our lessons learned – including challenges and successes – that we can learn from and that we can share with others to strengthen all of our SUN Country...
Publication date: TUE, 14 MAR, 2023
RESOURCE / Bulletins/ newsletters

SUN Bulletin March 2023

The SUN Bulletin is a resource for SUN Members, partners and stakeholders to advance achievement of their national nutrition goals. It contains curated content from across the SUN Movement including information on how to engage on nutrition...
Publication date: TUE, 7 MAR, 2023
EVENT / International Day

International Women's Day 2023

This International Women’s Day will be marked around the world on 8 March 2023 under the theme Embrace Equity. This theme calls on everyone to play their part, challenging gender stereotypes, calling out discrimination, drawing attention to bias, and...
Publication date: TUE, 7 MAR, 2023

Woman business owner Yemisi Obe is bringing nutritious foods to Nigerian families

On the occasion of 2023 International Women's Day, the SUN Business Network has contributed this look at a successful women-led nutrition-sensitive business in Nigeria, and how its managing director, Yemisi Obe, has been empowered to overcome...
Publication date: MON, 6 MAR, 2023

Empowering women journalists in Burundi to report on nutrition and food security

Malnutrition affects millions of people worldwide, and its consequences can be devastating, especially for women and children. At the same time, women have a crucial role to play in the fight against malnutrition. In particular, the reporting...
Publication date: MON, 6 MAR, 2023

SUN Countries scale up financing for nutrition

The global food and nutrition crisis, magnified by disruptions linked to the COVID-19 pandemic, has been threatening to increase malnutrition rates in all Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Countries. The situation is compounded by constrained donor and...
Publication date: MON, 6 MAR, 2023
RESOURCE / Action Brief

Youth Leaders for Nutrition (YL4N) Maxwell Mumba, Zambia

Good practices help us all to reflect on our nutrition journey, document our progress and capture our lessons learned – including challenges and successes – that we can learn from and that we can share with others to strengthen all of our SUN Country...
Publication date: WED, 22 FEB, 2023
RESOURCE / Action Brief

Ensuring participation of marginalized and vulnerable communities in decision-making processes in Viet Nam

Good practices help us all to reflect on our nutrition journey, document our progress and capture our lessons learned – including challenges and successes – that we can learn from and that we can share with others to strengthen all of our SUN Country...
Publication date: WED, 22 FEB, 2023

Buena práctica: Política Nacional de Apoyo al Desarrollo Infantil Temprano Crecer Juntos, El Salvador

Publication date: WED, 22 FEB, 2023

UN Secretary-General Appoints Afshan Khan Coordinator of Scaling Up Nutrition Movement

United Nations-Secretary General António Guterres today announced his appointment of Afshan Khan as Coordinator of the Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement. Ms Khan will coordinate the implementation of the SUN Movement through its third phase (2021...
Publication date: MON, 20 FEB, 2023

Buena práctica: Abordando los efectos del cambio climático en los sistemas alimentarios en Honduras

Publication date: WED, 15 FEB, 2023

Buena práctica: Elaboración de las guías alimentarias basadas en sistemas alimentarios en Costa Rica

Publication date: WED, 15 FEB, 2023
RESOURCE / Bulletins/ newsletters

SUN Bulletin February 2023

The SUN Bulletin is a resource for SUN Members, partners and stakeholders to advance achievement of their national nutrition goals. It contains curated content from across the SUN Movement including information on how to engage on nutrition...
Publication date: FRI, 10 FEB, 2023


Publication date: WED, 8 FEB, 2023

La participación de las organizaciones juveniles en el monitoreo del presupuesto para la nutrición

Publication date: TUE, 31 JAN, 2023

The private sector joins the fight against malnutrition in Rwanda

Rwanda has made addressing malnutrition a top priority, with the government and development partners investing significant resources in recent years to increase access to nutritious foods and raise awareness of their benefits. I n December 2022, the...
Publication date: MON, 30 JAN, 2023

Cameroon steps up efforts to ensure exclusive breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is fundamental to good nutrition, food security and the reduction of inequalities​, and it is one of the most effective ways to ensure child health and survival. Babies who are fed nothing but breast milk from birth to 6 months of age...
Publication date: MON, 30 JAN, 2023
RESOURCE / Information Notes

SUN Regional Gathering - Logistical Note

Publication date: WED, 25 JAN, 2023