
Displaying 321 - 340 of 4226


Publication date: WED, 8 FEB, 2023

La participación de las organizaciones juveniles en el monitoreo del presupuesto para la nutrición

Publication date: TUE, 31 JAN, 2023

The private sector joins the fight against malnutrition in Rwanda

Rwanda has made addressing malnutrition a top priority, with the government and development partners investing significant resources in recent years to increase access to nutritious foods and raise awareness of their benefits. I n December 2022, the...
Publication date: MON, 30 JAN, 2023

Cameroon steps up efforts to ensure exclusive breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is fundamental to good nutrition, food security and the reduction of inequalities​, and it is one of the most effective ways to ensure child health and survival. Babies who are fed nothing but breast milk from birth to 6 months of age...
Publication date: MON, 30 JAN, 2023
RESOURCE / Information Notes

SUN Regional Gathering - Logistical Note

Publication date: WED, 25 JAN, 2023
RESOURCE / Technical reports and research

Summary of proceedings - SUN Regional Gathering 2022

Publication date: TUE, 24 JAN, 2023
EVENT / Workshop

ProACT Sahel: Senegal advocacy workshop

PROACT Sahel "Support for Strengthening Food and Nutrition Crisis Prevention and Management Systems in West Africa and the Sahel" is a multi-country and multi-actor program whose main objective is to contribute to improving the governance of early...
Publication date: MON, 16 JAN, 2023
RESOURCE / Action Brief

National Policy to Support Early Childhood Development in El Salvador

Good practices help us all to reflect on our nutrition journey, document our progress and capture our lessons learned – including challenges and successes – that we can learn from and that we can share with others to strengthen all of our SUN Country...
Publication date: WED, 11 JAN, 2023
RESOURCE / Action Brief

The role of youth organizations in monitoring budgets and public investment for nutrition in Peru

Good practices help us all to reflect on our nutrition journey, document our progress and capture our lessons learned – including challenges and successes – that we can learn from and that we can share with others to strengthen all of our SUN Country...
Publication date: WED, 11 JAN, 2023
RESOURCE / Action Brief

Community advocacy for institutional strengthening of the multisectoral approach to nutrition through the management of Economic, Social and Cultural Development Programmes (PDESC) in Mali

Good practices help us all to reflect on our nutrition journey, document our progress and capture our lessons learned – including challenges and successes – that we can learn from and that we can share with others to strengthen all of our SUN Country...
Publication date: WED, 11 JAN, 2023
RESOURCE / Bulletins/ newsletters

SUN Bulletin January 2023

The SUN Bulletin is a resource for SUN Members, partners and stakeholders to advance achievement of their national nutrition goals. It contains curated content from across the SUN Movement including information on how to engage on nutrition...
Publication date: TUE, 10 JAN, 2023

African leaders reaffirm commitment to nutrition with Abidjan Declaration

Reaffirming commitments to promoting good nutrition and ending malnutrition in all its forms throughout the continent, African Union Member States adopted the Abidjan Declaration . The declaration, which was adopted during high-level talks in Côte d...
Publication date: MON, 9 JAN, 2023

Sudan concludes two-day workshop with SUN Movement to advance national nutrition plan

With the completion of a two-day national workshop to prioritize nutrition interventions, Sudan has passed a key milestone in its efforts to develop its National Multisectoral Nutrition Plan 2023–2027. The workshop, which took place in Khartoum on 13...
Publication date: MON, 9 JAN, 2023

Food Systems Community of Practice launched by SUN Civil Society Network

On 7 December 2022, the SUN Civil Society Network (CSN) launched its very first Food Systems Community of Practice. This launch was a direct follow-up from the Virtual Assembly earlier in the year, which established Food Systems as one of the...
Publication date: MON, 9 JAN, 2023
RESOURCE / Toolkits/ tools

Nutrition and Climate Change

Climate change is jeopardizing the food and nutrition security of people all around the world. The most recent evidence available suggests that the number of people unable to afford a healthy diet around the world rose by 112 million to almost 3.1...
Publication date: WED, 4 JAN, 2023
RESOURCE / Toolkits/ tools

World Breastfeeding Week

Each year, from 1-7 August, countries, organizations and nutrition champions celebrate World Breastfeeding Week all over the world to raise awareness around the importance of breastfeeding as a fundament of good nutrition, food security and reduction...
Publication date: WED, 4 JAN, 2023

Reflections from retiring SUN Coordinator Gerda Verburg

SUN Coordinator Gerda Verburg retired from her position on 31 December 2022, after serving more than six years. In this op-ed, she reflects on the successes and challenges for the SUN Movement during her tenure, and her hopes for the future of the...
Publication date: SAT, 31 DEC, 2022
RESOURCE / Presentations

SUN Movement Regional Gathering 2022 - Session 5 Presentations

The second deep dive of the SUN Movement Regional Gathering 2022 focused on linking Social Protection and Nutrition in the LAC Region: Evidence, Opportunities and Challenges. Download the full presentation here (only available in Spanish).
Publication date: TUE, 27 DEC, 2022
RESOURCE / Presentations

SUN Movement Regional Gathering 2022 - Session 3 Presentations

The third session of the SUN Movement Regional Gathering 2022 focused on systemic change, and how to develop an action plan for food systems roadmaps. Download the full presentation here (only available in Spanish).
Publication date: TUE, 20 DEC, 2022
RESOURCE / Presentations

SUN Movement Regional Gathering 2022 - Deep Dive 2 Presentations

The second deep dive of the SUN Movement Regional Gathering 2022 focused on advocacy and messaging in the region. Download the full presentation here (only available in Spanish).
Publication date: TUE, 20 DEC, 2022