
Displaying 3901 - 3920 of 4190

Guatemala: Civil Society Awarded $428,000 to Strengthen Scaling Up Nutrition

Guatemala’s Zero Hunger Pact establishes an ambitious goal of reducing child malnutrition by 10% in the next years until 2016. This project seeks to help achieve this target through the empowerment of the affected population, through inter-sectoral coordination and through social audit.
Publication date: WED, 3 JUL, 2013

SUN Civil Society Network Receives Funding to Support Country-Level Activities

The SUN Civil Society Network has just been awarded $535,000 USD to support civil society in SUN countries to help secure nutrition a place at the top of the national agenda as well as to strengthen nutrition governance and government accountability through enhanced multi-stakeholder dialogue.
Publication date: WED, 3 JUL, 2013

Civil Society Network Inaugural Meeting Delegates Sign On to Declaration of Support for Scaling Up Nutrition

On 11 June 2013, the SUN Civil Society Network held its inaugural meeting in Washington DC. Sixty-six civil society actors from 32 countries gathered to define priorities for the SUN Civil Society Network and resulted in a declaration reaffirming civil society’s commitment to support national efforts to scale up nutrition.
Publication date: WED, 3 JUL, 2013
RESOURCE / Briefs/ fact sheets

SUN Civil Society Network Six Month Activity Plan: July – December 2013

Publication date: MON, 1 JUL, 2013
RESOURCE / SUN Progress Reports

SUN Progress Report 2013

Publication date: MON, 1 JUL, 2013

Atlanta Summit on Global Health and Hunger: Progress and Enduring Challenges in Global Food and Nutrition Security

On 20 May 2013, the World Affairs Council of Atlanta and CARE USA joined with the Washington-based Center for Strategic and International Studies to host the Atlanta Summit on Global Health and Hunger, an event inspired by the success of the 2012 Atlanta Summit on Global Health and Water. Over the course the daylong symposium, experts and opinion leaders from government, business, academia, and NGOs came together to look at progress and enduring challenges in global food and nutrition security and to craft solutions for global hunger and malnutrition.
Publication date: THU, 27 JUN, 2013

Uganda’s Cost of Hunger Study Findings Unveil The Economic Impact of Malnutrition

KAMPALA, 20 June 2013 (IRIN) – Malnutrition costs Uganda an estimated US$899 million annually – as much as 5.6 percent of its GDP – according to findings of a new report.
Publication date: MON, 24 JUN, 2013

Launch of the Amsterdam Initiative Against Malnutrition: Innovative Models for Better Nutrition

On 22 May 2013, a new multi-stakeholder partnership between the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs and a consortium of partners from the Amsterdam Initiative against Malnutrition (AIM) was launched in The Hague. AIM is a Dutch alliance of businesses, government, academic and non-governmental organizations that was initiated in 2010.
Publication date: MON, 24 JUN, 2013

Sierra Leone Gathers Stakeholders to Discuss Critical Next Steps for Scaling Up Nutrition

Excerpt from press release: The Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Programme based in the Office of the Vice President has held its first meeting since the appointment of the National Coordinator to discuss pertinent issues for moving the Secretariat forward within the first 100 days, starting in June and ending in August.
Publication date: MON, 24 JUN, 2013

FAO Releases 2013 State of Food and Agriculture: Food Systems for Better Nutrition

4th June: In a recorded statement marking the launch of the Food and Agriculture Organization’s flagship annual publication The State of Food and Agriculture (SOFA),Graziano da Silva said that although the world has registered some progress on hunger, one form of malnutrition, there was still “a long way ahead”.
Publication date: MON, 24 JUN, 2013

Global Day of Action

In the run up to the Nutrition for Growth: Beating Hunger through Business and Science meeting on the 8th June, SUN Civil Society Alliances have led campaign efforts in Bangladesh, Ghana, Nepal, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zambia. These actions highlighted to political leaders the importance of investing in nutrition, and were part of efforts happening all around the world as part of the Global Day of Action.
Publication date: FRI, 21 JUN, 2013
RESOURCE / Statements and speeches

Civil Society Network Declaration 2013

Publication date: WED, 19 JUN, 2013

Zambia: CSO-SUN Alliance Holds Nutrition for Development Concert

The Zambian CSO-SUN Alliance held a ‘Nutrition for Development Concert’ on June 8th in the Barclays Sports Complex in Lusaka. The event was a huge success and as many as 1,000 people were estimated to attend.
Publication date: THU, 13 JUN, 2013

Uganda: Civil Society Coalition on Scaling Up Nutrition Event

The Uganda Civil Society Coalition on Scaling Up Nutrition (UCCO-SUN) organised several events as contributions towards the Global Day of Action Activities. On 6 June, it organised several policy-makers to come together to discuss important issues around nutrition in Uganda.
Publication date: THU, 13 JUN, 2013

Tanzania: SUN Civil Society Coalition Event

Tanzania’s SUN civil society coalition, PANITA, recently held a huge event with 2600 children all holding spinning flowers. The event was also attended by young reporters, officials, youth council members, journalists and mass public.
Publication date: THU, 13 JUN, 2013

Nepal Nutrition Foundation Meeting: “SUN Movement with Food for Everyone”

The SUN Movement in Nepal, led by the Nepal Nutrition Foundation (NNF) recently organized an interaction meeting in Kathmandu, involving nutritionists, medical doctors, and other professionals.
Publication date: THU, 13 JUN, 2013

Ghana: CSOs Forum on SUN Holds High-Level Policy Debate on Scaling Up Nutrition

The CSOs forum on Scaling Up Nutrition in Ghana held a high-level and extremely well-attended policy debate at the British Council in Accra, Ghana on 5th June.
Publication date: THU, 13 JUN, 2013

Bangladesh: Civil Society Alliance for SUN Holds Seminar on Exploring Opportunities for Scaling Up Nutrition

The Civil Society Alliance for Scaling Up Nutrition, Bangladesh, organised a seminar on exploring the opportunities for scaling up nutrition in Bangladesh on Tuesday 4th June just days before the 8th June “Nutrition for Growth: Beating Hunger through Business and Science” Summit in London.
Publication date: THU, 13 JUN, 2013
RESOURCE / Foundation documents

SUN CSN GDA - SUN Civil Society Alliances campaign together to put nutrition on the map for global leaders

Publication date: THU, 13 JUN, 2013

The ‘Next 1,000 Days’: Civil Society Comes Together to Transform Commitments and Momentum Into Action on Nutrition

Two years on from civil society’s gathering to build commitment for the 1,000 Days Call to Action and just two days after the Nutrition for Growth event in London, civil society from across the globe came together in Washington DC to solidify ways to ‘Sustaining Political Commitment to Scaling Up Nutrition’. On 10th June, Bread for the World and Concern Worldwide opened a day-long event to secure a recommitment from a broad base of supporters to ‘the next 1,000s days’.
Publication date: WED, 12 JUN, 2013