The SUN Civil Society Network is looking for a Country Support Officer!

The purpose of the role is to support the chair of the Scaling Up Nutrition Civil Society Network and the SUN Civil Society Network Manager in the implementation of specific activities designed to ensure the successful development and expansion of a vibrant civil society network for nutrition. Deadline for applications is 6th February, 2014.

January 9, 2014 - Last update: February 10, 2023

The purpose of the Country Support Officer is to support the chair of the Scaling Up Nutrition Civil Society Network and the SUN Civil Society Network Manager in the implementation of specific activities designed to ensure the successful development and expansion of a vibrant civil society network for nutrition.  These activities will include:

  • Inspiring, encouraging, motivating and supporting civil society actors in the network
  • Facilitating knowledge exchange and communications between national alliances
  • Liaising with SUN CSN governing structures to link national level efforts to global advocacy opportunities
  • Developing resources and providing technical expertise on advocacy


Deadline for applications is 6th February, 2014. 




SUN Global Support System
SUN Civil Society Network