Call for contributions: Good practices related to water, sanitation and hygiene programmes

Until 15 December 2015, as a follow up to the 2015 Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Forum held in Bonn, Germany, Action Contre le Faim (ACF) is looking for successful stories around the world to be included into the upcoming “ACF/ UNICEF/ ECHO WASH in Nutrition Operational…

December 8, 2015 - Last update: February 10, 2023

Bonn WASH Nutrition Forum

Until 15 December 2015, as a follow up to the 2015 Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Forum held in Bonn, Germany, Action Contre le Faim (ACF) is looking for successful stories around the world to be included into the upcoming “ACF/ UNICEF/ ECHO WASH in Nutrition Operational Manual. ACF are looking for examples of good practice on:

  • Enhancing geographical / programmatic integration of WASH and Nutrition projects by focusing WASH projects in the areas with high undernutrition prevalence
  • Targeting and prioritisation of “mother / accompanying – malnourished child” dyad from nutrition centers to the home in order to prevent the vicious circle “diarrhea / nematodes / enteropathy – malnutrition” and associated diseases;
  • Ensuring and reinforcing the WASH minimum package (kit, messages & standards) both in health & nutrition centers and at the household level in the communities affected by undernutrition
  • Placing emphases and investing in behavior change regarding hygiene in the health centers and the community
  • Enhancing collaboration between WASH experts and nutrition or food security experts
  • WASH and Nutrition Advocacy

The “WASH in Nutrition Operational Manual” primarily addresses field practitioners, WASH project managers and other actors involved in the undernutrition prevention mandate. The manual will be simple, illustrated, attractive and focused on presenting “small doable actions”, translated into English and French, available in hard copy and PDF format for on-screen use.

If you have an example of good practice to share and you would like to be a contributor to “WASH in Nutrition Operational Manual” please send an email to Jovana Dodos

Learn more about the 2015 Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Forum held in Bonn, Germany


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