Civil Society Network "Global Day of Action"

In 2013, civil society groups around the world organized coordinated actions as part of a ‘Global Day of Action’ (GDA) ahead of the G8 summit in London, UK in June 2013. This coordinated action had the aim of showing global support for decisive action at…

March 27, 2014 - Last update: February 13, 2023

In 2013, civil society groups around the world organized coordinated actions as part of a ‘Global Day of Action’ (GDA) ahead of the G8 summit in London, UK in June 2013. This coordinated action had the aim of showing global support for decisive action at the G8 to tackle food insecurity and malnutrition. A variety of campaign activities occurred in over 15 countries, ranging from public concerts and media-focused events with school children; to roundtable meetings with parliamentarians.

This year, the GDA will be held from 4-11 May 2014. GDA actions will be led and owned by the Civil Society Alliances of the SUN Movement in line with national priorities and needs and in support of multi-stakeholder efforts. The actions that take place as part of the GDA will be contextualized nationally, with specific demands and actions to drive forward the nutrition agenda at national, sub-national, district and community level. They will also present an opportunity for influencing regional agendas through joint efforts from Civil Society Alliances. By acting together on one day and with joint branding and messaging, the GDA will highlight the SUN CSN as a global, impactful and agenda-setting network.

Read the Concept Note


SUN Global Support System
SUN Civil Society Network