Guatemala: Civil Society Awarded $428,000 to Strengthen Scaling Up Nutrition

Guatemala’s Zero Hunger Pact establishes an ambitious goal of reducing child malnutrition by 10% in the next years until 2016. This project seeks to help achieve this target through the empowerment of the affected population, through inter-sectoral coordination and through social audit.

July 3, 2013 - Last update: February 10, 2023

Guatemala’s Zero Hunger Pact establishes an ambitious goal of reducing child malnutrition by 10% in the next years until 2016. This project seeks to help achieve this target through the empowerment of the affected population, through inter-sectoral coordination and through social audit.

Specifically the funding will support work to establish a Monitoring and Social Audit Commission of Civil Society organizations, through in line with existing structures regarding social audit, Human Rights, Children´s Rights as well as food and nutritional security monitoring. It will also help to strengthen civil society’s collective advocacy capacity and the initiation of a massive communication campaign to inform and empower women; strengthening their capacity to demand quality health services for both mothers and children.

Learn more about MPTF funding in Guatemala.

About the SUN MPTF

The SUN MPTF, established in March 2012 by participating UN agencies and contributing donor partners, is designed to ensure catalytic grants reach governments, UN agencies, civil society and other stakeholders to enable development and implementation of national efforts to scale up nutrition. Not meant to replace other steams of funding, the MPTF was established to enable or initiate action on scaling up nutrition at the country-level when other funding support is not available.

In addition to providing financial support for initiating SUN actions at the country level – including establishment and strengthening of multi-stakeholder platforms, stock-taking, hosting national SUN launches and facilitating sharing of experiences at regional and global meetings – an initial funding priority of the MPTF is to support development and operation of civil society platforms in SUN countries.

Learn more about the SUN MPTF ▶


SUN Global Support System
SUN Civil Society Network