Meeting of SUN Network Facilitators | May 2015

On 7th May 2015, the SUN Movement Secretariat organised the monthly conference call of the SUN Network Facilitators. This meeting provided the facilitators updates on four key areas The Budget Analysis Exercise which included four regional workshops undertaken: Bangkok: 15-16 April 2015, Entebbe: 21-22 April 2015, Abidjan: 27-28 April 2015 and Guatemala City, 28-30 April 2015. The…

May 28, 2015 - Last update: February 10, 2023

networks_infographicOn 7th May 2015, the SUN Movement Secretariat organised the monthly conference call of the SUN Network Facilitators.

This meeting provided the facilitators updates on four key areas

  • The Budget Analysis Exercise which included four regional workshops undertaken: Bangkok: 15-16 April 2015, Entebbe: 21-22 April 2015, Abidjan: 27-28 April 2015 and Guatemala City, 28-30 April 2015.
  • The SUN Movement Lead Group’s endorsement of the recommendations put forward by the Visioning Sub-Group for the future of the Movement. The Lead Group concurred that the Movement should continue and acknowledged the Independent Comprehensive Evaluation (ICE) of the Movement.
  • Follow-up to the second International Conference on Nutrition (ICN2) was detailed by the UN Network.

Detailed information is available in this Summary Report English
