SUN Movement Multi-Partner Trust Fund: NEW CALL FOR PROPOSALS – now CLOSED

The Management Committee of the SUN Movement MPTF announces a new call for proposals to support civil society organisations (CSOs) to mobilise in-country and globally so as to contribute to realising SUN commitments and demonstrating results. Deadline for submissions is 11 November 2013, 17.00 CET.

October 11, 2013 - Last update: February 10, 2023

The SUN MPTF CALL FOR PROPOSAL closed on 11 November at 17.00hrs CET.  Thank you to all submitting organizations. The SUN Movement Secretariat will NOT consider any new submissions coming beyond the deadline. In the coming days all proposals will be assessed against criteria as set by the Management Committee of the SUN MPTF Fund. Only proposals that meet SUN MPTF criteria will be brought to the attention of the Management Committee of the SUN MPTF for their consideration. The Management Committee will meet before the end of 2013. Only successful applicants will be contacted.


The SUN Movement Multi-Partner Trust Fund (MPTF) was established in 2012 with support from the UK Department for International Development (DFID), the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and Irish Aid to ensure that catalytic grants reach governments, UN agencies, civil society groups and other SUN partners.  It is not designed to be a vertical nutrition fund for large scale investments in food and nutrition security, nor to replace existing funding pathways at country level.  Rather, it is a fund to be used for catalytic actions to enable, initiate or develop SUN Movement activity at country or regional level and provide appropriate global-level support, when other funding is not available.

The Management Committee of the SUN Movement MPTF announced a new call for proposals to support civil society organisations (CSOs) to mobilise in-country and globally so as to contribute to realising SUN commitments and demonstrating results.  Deadline for submissions is 11 November 2013, 17.00 CET.

This call is for an overall amount up to USD three (3) million. To the effect of this call, proposals cannot exceed the overall amount of US$ 300.000 (three-hundreds thousands US dollars) each over a period of up 24 months maximum. The MPTF Management Committee will review all proposals in its meeting after the call is closed in late November 2013.

All the proposals will be assessed against criteria that have previously been set by the Management Committee. These include: 

  • the choice of the participating UN organisation to facilitate any adjustment to the proposal required by the Management Committee and to support implementation of proposed activities [we have concluded that there are advantages to working through current UN mechanisms for joint agency action – such as the REACH partnership – where they are  available];
  • the technical soundness of the proposal (situation analysis, institutional clarity, clear deliverables, means of verification, conflict of interest management procedures in place or in process);
  • a focus on clear and measurable results;
  • the extent to which intended activities of the CSO alliance are aligned with national policies and strategies for scaling up nutrition and the degree of support from the SUN country Focal Point (on behalf of the national SUN multi-stakeholder platform) for these activities;
  • the extent to which the proposed activities of the alliance are linked to (and backed by) other civil society platforms in-country (ideally these would be demonstrated by signed letters of support or similar testimonials) with a view to more inclusive civil society participation in national SUN platforms;
  • the planned use of any grant that will be received from the MPTF (the MPTF position to date has been that funds should not normally be used to pay per diems and other allowances for civil society participation in SUN-relevant events, for engagement of international consultants or for the development of communications and dissemination tools that already exist within the SUN Movement and/or are accessible via the SUN website).

Please refer to the SUN MPTF guidelines and review the SUN MPTF 2012-2015 logframe when finalising your proposal. All submissions must be sent to with copy to


In case you have inquiries about the call, please contact Stefano Di Gessa in the SUN Movement Secretariat at


To read more about the progress achieved in SUN Countries receiving MPTF funding including the Annual Report, please visit the SUN Movement website’s MPTF page. 




SUN Global Support System
SUN Civil Society Network