
Displaying 2441 - 2460 of 4221

#WhatFoodMeans Campaign – Fighting Hunger in Ethiopia

As part of its focus in 2017 on making the world healthy, not hungry, Project Everyone has teamed up with the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) and the European Union to spread the important message about Goal 2: Zero Hunger. With drought and conflict threatening hunger for millions of people around the world, accelerating action is more urgent than ever. With the amazing Aardman Animations, they have produced a new film together telling the story of Ethiopia, which in 2015 was hit by the worst drought in 50 years threatening the lives of 10 million people. But international support and years of hard work meant the country was able to help families stay on their feet and prevent a humanitarian disaster. This February 2017, famine was declared in South Sudan and the prospect is looming in 3 other countries (Somalia, Yemen, Nigeria). And in Ethiopia, just as people are starting to rebuild their lives, a new drought has hit parts of the country and the wider region again, threatening the lives and livelihoods of millions of people.The film shows that if we take action together, no one today, in Ethiopia, or anywhere else in the world, need go hungry.
Publication date: FRI, 10 MAR, 2017

‘The world needs a new way to track nutrition funding’

The saying “you can’t manage what you can’t measure” may be an oversimplified management concept, but it gets to the gist of why resource tracking in global health is important. Resource tracking is the monitoring of how country governments, donors and NGOs fund programs in any given health area—including tracking how much is being spent, where the money is going, and how the funds are used.
Publication date: TUE, 7 MAR, 2017

HERD Nepal published its Monthly Media Monitoring Report on Nutrition

Health Research and Social Development Forum (HERD) has published its Monthly Media Monitoring Report on Nutrition, an aggregate of 29 media stories concerning nutrition and food security. HERD is a Nepalese NGO, promoting evidence informed policies and practices for sustainable development in health, environment and social sectors to improve quality of life.
Publication date: TUE, 7 MAR, 2017

JOIN US – The Scaling Up Nutrition Movement Secretariat is seeking three Policy Specialists!

JOIN US! Are you innovative, creative and passionate about ending malnutrition in all its forms, everywhere? The Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement Secretariat is seeking three Policy Specialists for liaison with the 59 countries who have joined our Movement since 2010. In this role, you will work closely with SUN Government Focal Points and their platforms to ensure the best possible country-led actions for nutrition, and be responsible for staying abreast with country developments, including challenges and opportunities, to accelerate progress in eliminating under and over nutrition all over the world.
Publication date: TUE, 7 MAR, 2017

Philippines launches a Scaling Up Nutrition Civil Society Alliance

On 22-23 February 2017, in Manila, the Scaling Up Nutrition Civil Society Alliance Philippines (PhilCAN) was launched. The two day event gathered 65 participants, mainly representing civil society alliances from various islands across the Philippines, but also representatives from UNICEF, FAO, Philippine Department of Health and the National Nutrition Council of the Philippines.
Publication date: FRI, 3 MAR, 2017

The first human milk bank in Vietnam opens, improving access to breast milk for thousands of at-risk infants

On 17 February 2017, the first breast milk bank opened at the Da Nang Hospital for Women and Children aiming at providing milk for 3,000 – 4,000 at-risks infant each year. Indeed, not all women are able to provide breastmilk; sometimes the mother is too ill or on medication incompatible with breastfeeding. For infants at greatest risk—pre-term, low weight, or orphaned—human milk banks offer the most powerful life-saving nutrition available.
Publication date: FRI, 3 MAR, 2017

Bangladeshi women MPs attend advocacy seminar on mainstreaming nutrition in national policies

On the 23rd February 2017, in Dhaka, Bangladesh, Alive and Thrive, with the support of the Private Media and Communication Company arranged a seminar aimed at engaging women parliamentarians in mainstreaming nutrition into policies, with a special emphasis on the importance of breastfeeding, and maternal, infant and young child nutrition.
Publication date: FRI, 3 MAR, 2017

Join us in welcoming Central African Republic as the 59th country to join the SUN Movement!

Join us in welcoming Central African Republic as the 59th country to join the SUN Movement!
Publication date: FRI, 3 MAR, 2017

The Micronutrient Initiative celebrates 25 years of impact

Since 1992, MI has focused on reducing micronutrient deficiencies, specifically tackling nutrition challenges faced by women, children and adolescent girls. MI makes a difference because the organization believes nutrition is the difference. Since its modest beginnings, MI has evolved into a global nutrition organization helping to reach 500 million people every year with improved nutrition. We invite you to explore MI’s interactive timeline to learn more about their 25 years of impact.
Publication date: THU, 2 MAR, 2017
RESOURCE / Technical reports and research

Breaking nutrition out of the echo chamber

Publication date: WED, 1 MAR, 2017

Why saying ‘let’s empower women’ is not good enough

On 21 February 2017, Ms. Gerda Verburg, Scaling Up Nutrition Movement Coordinator and Assistant UN Secretary-General met Thomson Reuters to share the key lessons from her personal and professional life. Highlighting why, the perspectives of women are imperative and crucial to achieving sustainable development. Saying ‘let’s empower women’ is just not good enough. Just do it, I say! Create a space and ensure conditions where women can stand in their own power. Act on the fact that women’s contributions to society and planet are not accounted for nor valued properly in our economic, political or social systems.”
Publication date: WED, 22 FEB, 2017

Deputy Prime Minister of Viet Nam meets with SUN Movement Coordinator to discuss progress in eliminating malnutrition by 2030

On 16 February 2017, in Ha Noi, Deputy Prime Minister Mr. Vu Duc Dam of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam had a meeting with Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement Coordinator and Assistant UN Secretary-General Ms. Gerda Verburg to discuss progress in eliminating malnutrition by 2030. Ms. Gerda Verburg called on the Government and the nutrition community, at large, to remain steadfast in its commitment to fight malnutrition in the country.
Publication date: MON, 20 FEB, 2017

Former President launches Sri Lanka’s blueprint to end hunger and malnutrition

Former President launches Sri Lanka’s blueprint to end hunger and malnutrition
Publication date: FRI, 17 FEB, 2017

New fact sheet: The Role of Agriculture: Producing Food to Nourish People?

In January 2017, Generation Nutrition launched the new fact sheet, The Role of Agriculture: Producing Food to Nourish People? The fact sheet is part of a series exploring ways of preventing child undernutrition. It explains how agricultural programmes in developing countries can have a bigger impact in reducing undernutrition and, in doing so, fulfil one of the sector’s main roles: to provide people with the nutritious food they need for a healthy and productive life.
Publication date: FRI, 17 FEB, 2017

Innovation in Nutrition Awards – SUN Civil Society Alliances “Walk the Talk” to make nutrition matter

On 31 January 2017, the post-Learning Route webinar, “Fostering Learning and Innovation in Nutrition”, took place with special guest SUN Movement coordinator Gerda Verburg . Ms Verburg awarded prizes to three innovation plans developed by SUN Civil Society Alliances (SUN CSAs) as part of the SUN Civil Society Learning Route in Rwanda last year.
Publication date: FRI, 17 FEB, 2017

WebEx on tracking nutrition-specific investments features an example from Ethiopia

On 27 January 2017, the SUN Movement Secretariat, SPRING, Results for Development and MQSUN held a webinar as part of a technical consultation series on nutrition financial analysis. The webinar focused on “Investing in Nutrition-Specific Interventions” and participants included representatives from donor institutions, international civil society organisations, United Nations agencies.
Publication date: MON, 13 FEB, 2017
RESOURCE / Foundation documents

SUN Movement Coordinator Code of Conduct

Publication date: FRI, 10 FEB, 2017

The ENN Media Hub has launched!

On 26 January 2017, ENN launched a new media hub to function as a new innovative platform for digital knowledge such as dynamic podcasts, new videos and thought provoking blogs. The hub was developed as part of ENN’s support to the SUN Movement on enhancing peer-to-peer sharing, learning and exchange.
Publication date: THU, 9 FEB, 2017

Former President launches a Strategic Review to end hunger in Ghana by 2030

On 24 January 2017, former President John Agyekum Kufuor launched the Ghana “Zero Hunger” Strategic Review process. The review, which is led by Kufour, seeks to contribute to the Government’s effort to accelerate the work towards eliminating hunger and food insecurity by 2030, whilst improving nutrition and promoting sustainable agriculture.
Publication date: TUE, 7 FEB, 2017

New guidebook supports integrated approaches to undernutrition with WASH activities

In January 2017, Action Contre la Faim (ACF) launched a new guidebook to support multi-sectoral solutions to undernutrition through improved integrated approaches with the water, sanitation and hygiene sector (WASH). It is an operational guidebook which demonstrates the importance of both supplementing nutrition programmes with WASH activities and adapting WASH interventions to include nutritional considerations i.e. making them more nutrition-sensitive and impactful on nutrition.
Publication date: TUE, 7 FEB, 2017