
Displaying 3601 - 3620 of 4221

Meeting of SUN Network Facilitators | July 2014

On 31 July 2014, the Scaling Up Nutrition Movement Secretariat hosted the second face-to-face meeting of the four SUN Networks for the year. Representatives from the Donor, Civil Society, Business and UN Networks discussed issues related to the following areas; SUN Independent Comprehensive Evaluation SUN…
Publication date: TUE, 26 AUG, 2014

SUN Networks and technical agencies meet and collectively build knowledge on costing and financial tracking

On the 16 July 2014, a conference call was organized among participants from the SUN global Networks and from specialized technical agencies to follow-up on the Nairobi Workshop on Costing and Financial Tracking held in November 2013. The agenda included stock-taking of national-level costing exercises as well…
Publication date: MON, 25 AUG, 2014

Multiple stakeholders brought together for Nutrition Advocacy Training in Kenya

On 30 July 2014, the SUN Civil Society Alliance (SUNCSA) in Kenya brought together multiple stakeholders for a nutrition advocacy training in Machakos Country, Kenya. Particpants included representatives from government, civil society, business, academia and the media. The four facilitators, who were all trained by…
Publication date: MON, 25 AUG, 2014

Tanzania develops the first public expenditure review for nutrition

In the first half of 2014, the Government of Tanzania, with the technical and financial support of UNICEF, Irish Aid and the World Bank, has led the execution of the first ever Public Expenditure Review (PER) for nutrition to address the lack of data on…
Publication date: MON, 25 AUG, 2014

UN organisations meet in Rome for a workshop on nutrition sensitive agriculture

On 24 July 2014, IFAD hosted an intensive training workshop for nutrition experts in Rome on the importance of nutrition-sensitive agriculture. The 4 day session was described by Bibi Giyose, senior nutrition policy advisor at FAO, as an example of UN agencies working together for…
Publication date: MON, 25 AUG, 2014

Leaders discuss the importance of nutrition for development at the U.S. Africa summit

On 4 August 2014, the United States (U.S.) Africa Leaders Summit took place in Washington D.C. President Obama welcomed leaders from across the African continent for a three day summit under the theme “Investing in the Next Generation”. Throughout the summit, action on reducing child…
Publication date: MON, 25 AUG, 2014
RESOURCE / Bulletins/ newsletters

SUN CSA news - nutrition advocacy training in Kenya

Publication date: MON, 25 AUG, 2014

Organisations, communities and individuals unite for World Breastfeeding Week 2014

The week of 1 – 7 August was recognised as World Breast Feeding Week (WBW) in 2014, with the slogan and theme, Breastfeeding: A Winning Goal – For Life! WBW is an annual commemoration of the Innocenti Declaration made by World Health Organisation (WHO) and…
Publication date: FRI, 22 AUG, 2014

SUN Movement Mid-Year 2014 update

Read the Mid-Year 2014 Update for news from SUN Countries and around the Movement. READ MORE
Publication date: FRI, 22 AUG, 2014

Tajikistan launches the SUN Movement with the support of USAID

On 11th August 2014, the Government of Tajikistan launched the SUN Movement with a national workshop. The launch was supported by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), as the country’s donor co-convener along with UNICEF Tajikistan. Representatives from the Ministries of Health and Social…
Publication date: TUE, 12 AUG, 2014

The SUN Business Network launches a Workforce Nutrition Toolkit

As at July 2014, thirty companies including national and international companies have pledged to introduce a nutrition workplace policy which includes support for breastfeeding mothers in the workplace. This commitment is an example of how businesses within the SUN Business Network are mobilising efforts for scaling…
Publication date: MON, 11 AUG, 2014

Business Forum for Nutrition held in Cameroon with the Ministry of Public Health and UNICEF

In May 2014, the Ministry of Public Health of Cameroon and UNICEF, hosted the first Business Forum for nutrition. Thirty private sector representatives came together in Douala to discuss the role of the private sector in investing for development and scaling up of multisectoral nutrition interventions in…
Publication date: MON, 11 AUG, 2014

Invitation to comment on the zero draft of the ICN2 Framework for Action

Until 17 August 2014, the joint FAO/WHO Secretariat of the Second International Conference on Nutrition (ICN2) is inviting all stakeholders to comment on the zero draft of the ICN2 Framework for Action (FFA). The FFA is one of two outcome documents expected to be agreed at ICN2….
Publication date: MON, 11 AUG, 2014

King Letsie III of Lesotho hosts a breakfast meeting to call for more investment in nutrition

On 26 June 2014, His Excellency King Letsie III of Lesotho hosted a breakfast meeting, on the margins of the 23rd Ordinary Session of African Union (AU) Heads of State and Government, in Malabo, Equatorial Guinea. The main objective of the event was to advocate…
Publication date: MON, 11 AUG, 2014

SUN Movement ICE Inception Report available

The SUN Movement Independent Comprehensive Evaluation (ICE) Inception Report is now available. The evaluation team will be interviewing a wide range of stakeholders from across and outside the Movement. The evaluators are eager to hear all views, whether positive or critical, in order to enrich the…
Publication date: FRI, 8 AUG, 2014

Lesotho is the 54th country to join the SUN Movement!

On 2 July 2014, the Kingdom of Lesotho became the 54th country to join the SUN Movement. On behalf of the government, a letter of commitment was sent by Dr. Motsoahae Thomas Thabane, MP, Prime Minister of Lesotho. The letter highlighted that malnutrition was one…
Publication date: THU, 7 AUG, 2014

Scaling Up Nutrition: In Practice Issue 2 – Information Systems for Nutrition

The second Scaling Up Nutrition: In Practice brief focuses on Information Systems for Nutrition. Stakeholders from six SUN countries have contributed accounts of how relevant indicators are being collected, managed, analysed, reported upon and used to track progress and prioritise responses in order to improve…
Publication date: THU, 7 AUG, 2014
RESOURCE / Briefs/ fact sheets

SUN Movement MPTF Fund Transfers PUNO to IPs

Publication date: THU, 7 AUG, 2014

The Government of Pakistan partners with WFP and MI to address micronutrient deficiencies

On 29 July 2014, the World Food Programme (WFP) announced that it would extend its agreement with Micronutrient Initiative (MI). This agreement enables the continuation of its food fortification programme with the Government of Pakistan, and to advocate for the need to address micronutrient-related malnutrition…
Publication date: TUE, 5 AUG, 2014

Nutrition-sensitive agriculture: IFAD works with partners to mainstream nutrition

During mid-July 2014, the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) hosted an intensive four-day training workshop at its Rome headquarters with about 40 staff and consultants to expand the pool of experts on nutrition-sensitive agricultural and rural development projects. The event was developed jointly by IFAD, the World Bank,…
Publication date: TUE, 5 AUG, 2014