
Displaying 81 - 100 of 4221
EVENT / Workshop

Nutrition for Growth Workshop, Côte d'Ivoire

Join the Government of Côte d'Ivoire, the Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement Secretariat Francophone Hub, the SUN Civil Society Network, Expertise France (AFD) Groupe, and the European Union for a 2-day workshop on the Validation of methodological...
Publication date: TUE, 9 JAN, 2024
RESOURCE / National plans

Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) National Strategic Multisectoral Nutrition Plan (2023 - 2030)

Publication date: WED, 3 JAN, 2024
RESOURCE / Bulletins/ newsletters

SUN Bulletin December 2023

The SUN Bulletin is a resource for SUN Members, partners and stakeholders to advance achievement of their national nutrition goals. It contains curated content from across the SUN Movement including information on how to engage on nutrition...
Publication date: TUE, 2 JAN, 2024

SUN Movement launches 2023 Joint Annual Assessment

The Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement is pleased to announce the launch of its 2023 Joint Annual Assessment (JAA) process for SUN Countries. The JAA is a voluntary and country-led process, providing an opportunity for SUN Countries and country...
Publication date: FRI, 22 DEC, 2023

Central African Republic takes steps to revitalize nutrition plans

Stunting is considered a major problem in the Central African Republic, with 39.8 per cent of children younger than 5 affected, according to the 2022 Global Nutrition Report . This is among the highest stunting prevalences in the world, surpassing...
Publication date: FRI, 22 DEC, 2023
RESOURCE / Action Brief

Nationalizing the school feeding programme in Tajikistan

Good practices help us all to reflect on our nutrition journey, document our progress and capture our lessons learned – including challenges and successes – that we can learn from and that we can share with others to strengthen all of our SUN Country...
Publication date: THU, 21 DEC, 2023
RESOURCE / Action Brief

SUN Business Network links public, private sectors for nutrition in Bangladesh

Good practices help us all to reflect on our nutrition journey, document our progress and capture our lessons learned – including challenges and successes – that we can learn from and that we can share with others to strengthen all of our SUN Country...
Publication date: MON, 18 DEC, 2023
RESOURCE / Action Brief

Technology helps boost climate resilience in the fish value chain in Uganda

Good practices help us all to reflect on our nutrition journey, document our progress and capture our lessons learned – including challenges and successes – that we can learn from and that we can share with others to strengthen all of our SUN Country...
Publication date: MON, 11 DEC, 2023
RESOURCE / Action Brief

Climate-resilient technology helps boost horticulture production in Botswana

Good practices help us all to reflect on our nutrition journey, document our progress and capture our lessons learned – including challenges and successes – that we can learn from and that we can share with others to strengthen all of our SUN Country...
Publication date: WED, 6 DEC, 2023
RESOURCE / Technical guidance and reports

SUN Movement Knowledge Management Guidance

Managing knowledge entails purposefully creating, gathering, synthesizing, sharing, and using specific insights and experiences to improve ways of working. These insights and experiences can be knowledge embedded in individuals or organizational...
Publication date: TUE, 5 DEC, 2023
RESOURCE / Information Notes

Leveraging nutrition financing to save lives and accelerate the SDGs

The role of nutrition is increasingly pivotal in a world dealing with challenges like inequalities, conflicts, and a pandemic . This paper analyzes the context of nutrition financing, highlights three key opportunities for countries and stakeholders...
Publication date: FRI, 1 DEC, 2023
RESOURCE / Technical guidance and reports

SUN Movement Youth Engagement Roadmap

Publication date: THU, 30 NOV, 2023

SUN Movement Call to Action for COP28: A unified demand for climate-resilient nutrition in global negotiations

In the face of an unprecedented challenge As we gather at COP28, the world is witnessing an alarming convergence of climate change and malnutrition. This crisis is not a distant threat. It is our current reality, especially for the most vulnerable in...
Publication date: TUE, 28 NOV, 2023
RESOURCE / Bulletins/ newsletters

SUN Bulletin November 2023

The SUN Bulletin is a resource for SUN Members, partners and stakeholders to advance achievement of their national nutrition goals. It contains curated content from across the SUN Movement including information on how to engage on nutrition...
Publication date: TUE, 28 NOV, 2023
EVENT / Webinar

Webinar Series: Closing the Gender Nutrition Gap

Mark your calendar for a Global Webinar Series on Closing the Gender Nutrition Gap, jointly organized by the Scaling Up Nutrition Civil Society Network (SUN CSN) and Scaling Up Nutrition Civil Society Alliance in Viet Nam (SUN CSA Viet Nam) in...
Publication date: TUE, 28 NOV, 2023
RESOURCE / Technical guidance and reports

Facilitating a Joint Annual Assessment stakeholder meeting - guidance for countries

The Joint Annual Assessment (JAA) has been revised to align with the new Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement Strategy for its third phase (2021–2025). This guidance note aims to support countries in guiding stakeholders across the nutrition and...
Publication date: TUE, 28 NOV, 2023
RESOURCE / Technical guidance and reports

The Joint Annual Assessment report - Guidance for countries

The Joint Annual Assessment (JAA) has been revised in 2021 to align with the new Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement Strategy for its third phase (2021–2025). This guidance note aims to support countries and global stakeholders to interpret and...
Publication date: MON, 27 NOV, 2023

‘It’s just beautiful’: Nutrition programme creates positive change in Nairobi suburbs

In a small space carved out of a Nairobi suburb half-buried in discarded trash, the bright green leaves of thriving vegetables tumble from a hodge-podge of containers – discarded tires, plastic jugs, rock-lined beds of dirt, even old pairs of jeans...
Publication date: FRI, 17 NOV, 2023
RESOURCE / Information Notes

SUN Movement Climate and Nutrition Advocacy Messages & Asks

In anticipation of COP 28, the SUN Movement offers vital guidance to member countries and partners, focusing on clear communication about the connection between climate change and nutrition. It emphasizes the urgent risk climate change poses to...
Publication date: FRI, 17 NOV, 2023
EVENT / Conference

SUN Movement @ COP28

The 2023 United Nations Climate Change Conference or Conference of the Parties of the UNFCCC, more commonly referred to as COP28 , will be the 28th United Nations Climate Change conference, held from 30 November until 12 December 2023, at the Expo...
Publication date: TUE, 14 NOV, 2023