Delivering the SUN Strategy and Roadmap

The SUN Movement Pooled Fund supports projects that contribute to the delivery of the SUN Movement’s strategic objectives as set out in the SUN Movement Strategy and Roadmap 2016–2020.

SUN Movement’s strategic objectives

The SUN Movement’s four strategic objectives are to:

Beyond the variety of calls for proposals, stakeholder recipients and concrete outcomes, the SUN Movement Pooled Fund focuses overall on:

  • sustaining advocacy efforts to keep nutrition a national development priority
  • strengthening national nutrition governance
  • jointly developing, funding and implementing national multi-sectoral nutrition plans 
  • increasing the capacities of nutrition actors at national and subnational levels.

All activities designed in the context of the SUN Movement Pooled Fund directly relate to advancing all four strategic objectives and the SUN Movement’s Theory of Change.

How call outcomes link to strategic objectives

The outcomes of the various funding calls all contribute to advancing SUN Movement’s four strategic objectives