Quarterly Update | SUN Civil Society Network

February 2016 Civil society publications: Accountability think piece– A think piece on accountability within the context of the SUN Movement from a civil society perspective. The publication captures the state of the art of civil society’s efforts to push for accountability in countries’ efforts to scale…

February 2, 2016 - Last update: February 10, 2023

February 2016

Civil society publications:

  1. Accountability think piece– A think piece on accountability within the context of the SUN Movement from a civil society perspective. The publication captures the state of the art of civil society’s efforts to push for accountability in countries’ efforts to scale up nutrition. This document is a concise, practical resource to inform and inspire civil society and provide examples of approaches that work.
  2. Alignment report– The report presents the findings of a research study commissioned by the SUN Movement Civil Society Network (CSN) Secretariat. The findings and recommendations of this report will be used by Civil Society Alliances (CSAs) to address challenges faced by civil society organisations (CSOs) in aligning their actions with national policies and plans and with each other. The report should also be useful for the global Civil Society Network (CSN), the SUN Movement Secretariat (SMS) and other SUN Networks in gaining an understanding of the challenges faced by CSAs and enhancing support to overcome them and enhance their contributions to efforts to address malnutrition.
  3. Advocacy tool kit –This toolkit is designed to be a practical resource for CSAs in SUN Countries to help them strengthen their advocacy capacities. It is meant to be used as a reference and signposting document. Each section has been kept short and snappy so that it can be read quickly and resources found in a matter of minutes. It is not a definitive and exhausted guide but intended as a springboard with an outline of the minimum information required in order to tackle the topic. To be finalised and published by the end of January 2016.
  4. How to do a Nutrition Budget Analysis for timely Advocacy towards increased investments in Nutrition – A tool for SUN country Civil Society Alliances– This tool is to inform national budget analysis and timely advocacy efforts towards increased investments in nutrition by national governments. A methodology and training presentation with voice recording will be available by February 2016.

Other news:

  • New staff: On January 4, 2016, the SUN CSN secretariat team welcomed a new staff member in charge of overseeing two Learning Routes in 2016-2017 – Cecilia Ruberto.
  • SUN Civil Society Network Steering Group Member, Victoria Quinn, has recently contributed to the Oxford University Press Publication titled “Nutrition for Developing Countries (Third Edition)”. Learn more >
  • Resourcing the SUN CSN: A meeting to develop the SUN CSN Resourcing Strategy for 2016-2020 funding was held in London, UK from 14-15 January, 2016. The participants from civil society and all other SUN networks and the SMS identified immediate to long term needs. The SUN CSN SSTF and key experts are following up and developing a resourcing strategy to address the different level of needs with pro bono resourcing expert support. The longer term strategy will need to be embedded in a SUN wide resourcing effort.
  • SUN CSN network wide trilingual consensus building consultations for civil society contributions to the SUN ~Movement Road Map (2016-2020) continue via regional WebEx, CSA participation in the SUN Country Network Meetings and a final validation survey.
  • The SUN CSN secretariat builds on network wide agreed strategy and road map discussions to shape the 2016 network work plan to be approved through network wide trilingual survey in February. The focus of the work plan is on reduced activities and emphasis on leveraging resources for the sustainability of the network and national CSAs.

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SUN Civil Society Network