
Displaying 3901 - 3920 of 4216
RESOURCE / SUN Progress Reports

SUN Annual Progress Report 2013 - Compendium of fiches

Publication date: SAT, 31 AUG, 2013
RESOURCE / The Lancet

2013 Lancet series (on nutrition)

Publication date: WED, 28 AUG, 2013

SUN Movement July Update

Read the July 2013 Newsletter featuring news on progress made for scaling up nutrition.
Publication date: FRI, 9 AUG, 2013

USD 4.2 million awarded to 9 National Civil Society Alliances and the Global Civil Society Network Secretariat

USD 4.2 million has been awarded to date through the SUN Multi-Partner Trust Fund (MPTF) to National Civil Society Alliances in Bangladesh, Ghana, Guatemala, Malawi, Mali, Mozambique, Nepal, Niger and Uganda and the Global Civil Society Network Secretariat. The SUN MPTF, established in March 2012 by participating UN agencies and contributing donor partners, is designed to ensure catalytic grants reach governments, UN agencies, civil society and other stakeholders to enable development and implementation of national efforts to scale up nutrition.
Publication date: WED, 7 AUG, 2013

Ghana: Civil Society Awarded $374,500 to Strengthen Scaling Up Nutrition

The proposal seeks to establish a solid CSO platform; to ensure this space is used a basis for common messaging and national awareness raising campaign to support the SUN movement and the 1000 days campaign eventually leading to; nutrition is recognized as both a health and a developmental issue secured through the adoption and implementation of a strong National Nutrition Policy supported through appropriate budgetary allocation by the government and other stakeholders.
Publication date: WED, 7 AUG, 2013

Nepal: Civil Society Awarded $428,000 to Strengthen Scaling Up Nutrition

Civil society organizations in Nepal have been awareded funding to implement a project that seeks to influence the development and implementation of an adequate and effective policy and programmatic response that will lead to improved nutrition outcomes.
Publication date: WED, 7 AUG, 2013

Malawi: Civil Society Awarded $428,000 to Strengthen Scaling Up Nutrition

This funding will support a project which proposes the setting up of a strong, sustainable, influential and prominent Civil Society Organisations’ (CSO) Alliance who will pay a significant role in supporting the promotion and implementation of nutrition interventions for the enhancement of the nutrition agenda for Malawi.
Publication date: WED, 7 AUG, 2013

Budget Transparency and Child Nutrition

Budget Transparency and Child Nutrition is a new report that presents the results of a study conducted in Kenya, South Africa, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe. This study sets out to establish the degree of budget transparency in five African countries in relation to one critical issue: child nutrition.
Publication date: FRI, 2 AUG, 2013

Women’s Empowerment as a Tool against Hunger

In July 2013, Olivier De Schutter, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food, produced a new report entitled Gender Equality and Food Security as part of a joint undertaking between the Asia Development Bank and the FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific. This publication analyzes gender inequalities that constrain women’s roles in agriculture and food production, and in the long run undermine achievement of food and nutrition security in the Asia and Pacific region.
Publication date: FRI, 2 AUG, 2013

Niger: SUN Movement Launch

On 3 July 2013, representatives from government, civil society, the UN system and donors came together to officially launch the SUN Movement in Niger. As part of the event, endorsement was secured to establish a multi-sectoral committee within the 3N initiative.
Publication date: FRI, 2 AUG, 2013

Zambia Study on Undernutrition: Call for Abstracts

Zambia is the next in the Institute for Development Studies series of country-focused collections of papers on undernutrition. The series has generated the IDS Bulletins on India (2009 and 2012), Pakistan (2013) and now Zambia (2014). As with the others in the series, the Zambia collection highlights contributions from national researchers, practitioners and policymakers living in Zambia.
Publication date: WED, 31 JUL, 2013

Burundi: SUN Movement Launch

On 18 July, Burundian President Pierre Nkurunziza formally launched the SUN Movement in Burundi and announced the adoption by the Council of Ministers of the terms of reference of the Multisectoral Platform Nutrition and Food Security or Plateforme Multisectorielle de Sécurité Alimentaire et de Nutrition (PMSAN), which will be under the coordination of the Second Vice-President of the Republic.
Publication date: WED, 31 JUL, 2013
RESOURCE / Technical reports and research

Launching of Ghana coalition of civil society organizations for scaling up nutrition (GHACCSSUN)

Publication date: WED, 31 JUL, 2013
RESOURCE / Briefs/ fact sheets

Bangladesh to Celebrate Breastfeeding Week

Publication date: WED, 31 JUL, 2013
RESOURCE / Briefs/ fact sheets

Divisional Seminar on SUN Movement: Bangladesh to Celebrate Breastfeeding Week

Publication date: WED, 31 JUL, 2013

Budget Transparency and Child Nutrition

Budget Transparency and Child Nutrition is a new report that presents the results of a study conducted in Kenya, South Africa, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe. This study sets out to establish the degree of budget transparency in five African countries in relation to one critical issue: child nutrition.
Publication date: TUE, 30 JUL, 2013

Renewed Partnership for a Unified Approach to end Hunger in Africa by 2025 within the CAADP Framework

On 3 July, Heads of State and Government of African Union Member States, together with representatives of international organizations, civil society organizations, private sector, cooperatives, farmers, youths, academia and other partners unanimously adopted a Declaration to end hunger in Africa by 2025.
Publication date: TUE, 30 JUL, 2013
RESOURCE / Technical reports and research

The cost of hunger in Uganda - summary report

Publication date: THU, 18 JUL, 2013
RESOURCE / Technical reports and research

The Cost of Hunger in Swaziland

Publication date: THU, 18 JUL, 2013

Third Edition of the Emergency Nutrition Network’s Nutrition Exchange (NEX) Published in June 2013

On 20th June, the Emergency Nutrition Network published the latest issue of its Nutrition Exchange (NEX). Each issue of Nutrition Exchange contains original articles from national level readers sharing their programming experiences in nutrition. It also includes summarised information from ENN’s flagship publication, Field Exchange, updated information on guidelines, tools and training as well as summaries of recent publications and research.
Publication date: THU, 11 JUL, 2013