SUN Movement Global Gathering 2019
SUN Movement Global Gathering 2019
January 8, 2022 - Last update: February 10, 2023Nourishing people and planet together
Over 1,200 participants gathered for the 2019 SUN Movement Global Gathering at the Hotel Yak & Yeti in Kathmandu, Nepal from 4 to 7 November 2019. The Government of Nepal welcomed members of the SUN Movement, creating a space for SUN countries to share their experiences and insights on how nutrition, and multi-stakeholder partnerships, can accelerate the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.
The theme of the 2019 SUN Movement Global Gathering was “Nourishing People and Planet Together”, acknowledging that globalisation, urbanisation, inequities, humanitarian crises and climate shocks are driving unprecedented negative changes in people’s nutrition around the world. Stemming this requires food systems to deliver nutritious, safe, affordable and sustainable diets for all, within sustainable planetary boundaries. The theme was used to create a detailed programme with plenary and 25 workshop sessions based on country and stakeholder input, along with the SUN Movement Strategy and Roadmap 2016–2020.
Prior to the SUNGG, a full day of workshops and meetings involving SUN Focal Points, Networks, Executive Committee and Lead Group members took place, to ensure that SUN countries are on track to deliver results.
The SUN Global Gathering (SUNGG) is the flagship event of the SUN Movement. It is an important moment, where the Movement takes stock of progress and challenges, whilst reflecting on the implementation of global nutrition initiatives. Previously, the SUN Movement Global Gatherings have been held in New York (2013), Rome (2014), Milan (2015), and in Abidjan (2017). More information on previous SUN Global Gatherings can be found here.
Kathmandu Declaration
The 2019 SUN Global Gathering culminated in the Kathmandu Declaration, a non-binding declaration which is an expression of the SUN Movement’s commitment to ending malnutrition in all its forms. Framed around the action areas outlined in the SUN Movement Strategy and Roadmap 2016-2020, it is a tool to encourage all member countries and stakeholders to take the energy and inspiration from Kathmandu forward to the Tokyo Summit and beyond into the third phase of the SUN Movement. Read more about the Kathmandu Declaration here.