Quarterly Update: SUN Civil Society Network

This Quarterly Update shares the progress made by the SUN Civil Society Network from April – June 2016 which are strengthening their collective efforts in Scaling Up Nutrition. SUN Civil Society Network Resources The SUN Civil Society Network has launched their Advocacy Toolkit. The Toolkit is a…

June 25, 2016 - Last update: February 10, 2023

logo_civil_society_network_ENGThis Quarterly Update shares the progress made by the SUN Civil Society Network from April – June 2016 which are strengthening their collective efforts in Scaling Up Nutrition.

SUN Civil Society Network Resources

SuccessesThe SUN Civil Society Network has launched their Advocacy Toolkit. The Toolkit is a how to guide that aims to inform members of Civil Society Alliances in SUN Countries about best practices from across the network.

To find more key resources including the Accountability for Nutrition Think Piece and Effective Civil Society Coalition Building, visit the SUN Civil Society Network Resources Page ➤ and the SUN Civil Society Network Blog ➤pic of docs

SUN CSN Support and Achievements

fundingSUN Civil Society Network efforts have had a great impact over the past 3 years. These efforts have been possible thanks to donor support (either through direct support at country level or through the SUN multi-partner trust fund) and CSO support. The SUN CSN has developed a number of resources (with support from the German Government GIZ and the SUN MPTF) showcasing impact of our efforts.

Members of the SUN Civil Society Network are contributing to stories which showcase how civil society are playing an important role towards scaling up efforts to ensure people enjoy good nutrition.  These stories can be found at Scaling Up Nutrition In Practice ➤

Members the SUN Civil Society Network receive funding from the SUN Movement Multi-Partner Trust Fund (MPTF). The network is contributing to the reports of the SUN Movement MPTF and the SUN Movement MPTF Evaluation which was completed in early 2016.

  • Download the 2015 Annual Report English
  • MPTF evaluation – Final Report English

Learn more about the SUN Movement MPTF ➤

The SUN Civil Society Network were key contributors to the Independent Comprehensive Evaluation ➤

the SUN Civil Society Network has provided extensive contributions to the 2016-2020 SUN Movement Strategy and Road Map. Download a summary of their contributions English.

These impact graphics give a snapshot of progress by Civil Society Alliances.
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Resourcing efforts

In this crucial phase of the SUN efforts, the SUN CSN is also calling for continued investment in a guest blog of Development Horizons Investing in civil society is the ultimate commitment to sustaining momentum for nutrition.

  • Building financial sustainability of both the SUN CSN and the SUN CSAs has been the core focus of the last few months.
  • A SUN CSN resourcing strategy was developed and is in the process of being implemented
  • Efforts to drive efficiencies and shared resources along with synergy with other networks and the SUN Movement Secretariat are in process
  • Discussions with International NGOs about leveraging support for the SUN CSAs, the regional hubs and the SUN CSN and to leverage fundraising power are in process

A funding model towards sustainability

The SUN Civil Society Network Secretariat in consultation with the SUN Civil Society Network Steering group are currently exploring various funding models to ensure that efforts of Civil Society Alliances can be sustained. Consultations with members of the SUN Civil Society Network and various stakeholders will be organised throughout 2016. Current options considered include:

Diversifying Funding sources: With increased contributions from Trusts, Foundations, Companies, Individuals and other local sources

Increasing members contributions: Through direct contributions, membership fees and percentage contributions from CSO members (INGOs, CSAs and other CSO members)

INGOs contribute staff time: 1 full time staff covered through staff time contributions from INGOs – exploring staff time for M&E, communications, admin support, …

Membership fees being explored: – 1000 USD / INGO / year x 14 INGOs = 14,000.00 USD, Membership fees for local CSO members – 100 USD / CSO / year x 5 CSOs = 500 USD, CSA members – 500 USD / CSA / year x 30 funded CSAs – 15,000.00 USD (potentially for those that do not contribute via grants received and for those that are funded).

Supporting CSAs in securing financial support

  • With funding from GIZ, the SUN CSN developed an online resource with a downloadable fundraising tool kit, which was disseminated through tailored communications.
  • A session on the occasion of a West African workshop for Civil Society Alliances in Senegal in May 2016 was held training SUN CSAs in attendance on fundraising
  • For the mentoring programme to 6 CSAs, the mentorees have been identified and mentoring plan designed to run through December 2016. Once the programme is up and running the SUN CSN secretariat team will provide one on one guidance to each CSA as well as through the regional hubs of CSAs.
  • A tracker of CSA fundraising efforts and level of progress is also continuously updated.

Advocacy opportunities – capitalising on existing key moments and creating new ones in 2016

SUN CSN has ensured Civil Society Alliances are present or influence country representatives at key moments

  1. Aiming to ending the inappropriate promotion of foods for infants and young children and to protecting breastfeeding which was ‘welcomed with appreciation’.
  2. The other setting the framework of the Decade of Action for nutrition (WHA resolution 69.8) encompassing the adoption of SMART national nutrition targets, the increase of financing for nutrition and the collection of nutrition data

Feedback shows that Civil Society efforts were essential for the resolutions to pass. Without these efforts, we could have run the risk of regressing on progress in this area.

  • Asian and West African countries call for regional commitment moments

SUN Civil Society Network Learning Routes

SUN Civil Society Learning Route in Africa:

Since the Kickoff meeting (February 2016), 11 Alliances applied to participate to the learning Route. Five alliances applied to be country host, we have been delighted with the enthusiasm and quality of the proposals that were submitted. We organized a selection committee that reviewed in depth each application based on the learning needs expressed by the 11 alliances. We are happy to inform you that the first SUN Civil Society Network Learning Route will be implemented in Rwanda by late September beginning of October 2016. The learning route will consist in 1 week workshop where 30 representatives coming from 6 SUN Civil Society Alliances will be hosted by SUN Alliance-Rwanda.

Designed and implemented as a real journey, the Learning Route participants and the Rwandan stakeholders will learn the process (the “recipe of success”) that brought to the success of 5 specific experiences. Some of the key learning elements will be: integrated approach to nutrition and the decentralization, multi-stakeholders mapping, consumers’ right and nutrition quality standard, coordination and collaboration for campaign mobilization, policy review, public private partnership, communication and social mobilization at community level up to national level.

From the 11th to the 15th of July, we will conduct the “participatory documentation of successful experiences” in collaboration with SUN Alliance-Rwanda and PROCASUR. Two Learning Route preparatory webinars will be conducted before the Learning Route, we will discuss about cascade learning, prepare the countries knowledge share fair, peer to peer evaluation.

SUN Civil Society Learning Route in Asia

South-East Asia Learning Route, Kickoff meeting, on the 2nd of July. Alliances from South-East Asia can now apply to participate to the LR filling the Learning needs survey, that will help us in tailor the learning program upon the Civil Society needs! https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/SUNCSNlearningrouteAsia

Job opportunities:

Learning Route Knowledge sharing and Communication specialist, deadline to apply: 3 July http://media.wix.com/ugd/a1d6d9_9801f5159bc14b9f8263147b34f95107.pdf

Webpage developer, deadline to apply: 8th of July http://media.wix.com/ugd/a1d6d9_18d2fac147824e08913108c5bf9d1d57.pdf

More info:

Cecilia Ruberto (Learning Route program coordinator): c.ruberto@savethechildren.org.uk

Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/SUNCSNLearningRoute/

Website: http://suncivilsocietynet.wix.com/learningroute

Other news:

  • Staff changes: The SUN CSN coordinator is moving to a new position as Senior Policy and Advocacy Advisor for the Health and Nutrition Global Theme at Save the Children International. Claire will be the SUN CSN coordinator until the 6th of September 2016.
  • Accountability system – the SUN CSN continues to strengthen its accountability mechansisms
  • CSOs contribute 1.9+m USD in SUN 1.0 between June 2013 and December 2015. Check out new figures here.
  • Regional efforts are progressing well – check out more here.
  • Changes in the SUN CSN operational oversight committee membership – Due to changes in positions, the memberships of the SUN CSN Steering Group and Operational Oversight Committee have been updated. Latest list available here.
  • A consultant has been commissioned and consultancy will run from early June through to December 2016 to provide six individuals within SUN CSAs with a structured mentorship programme to provide support, expertise and the relevant knowledge, tools and skills (and confidence) they need to significantly enhance their own fundraising practice. The consultant will also provide strategic guidance to the SUN Secretariat, SUN CSN strategy and sustainability task force (SSTF) on the global management of fundraising and on implementing the resourcing strategy.

Learn more about the SUN Civil Society Network





SUN Global Support System
SUN Civil Society Network