
Displaying 3281 - 3300 of 4216
RESOURCE / Briefs/ fact sheets

Benin Costed Plan Summary

Publication date: THU, 4 JUN, 2015
RESOURCE / Briefs/ fact sheets

Bangladesh Costed Plan Summary

Publication date: THU, 4 JUN, 2015
RESOURCE / Technical reports and research

IPC Acute communication report- Yemen (June 2015 final)

Publication date: SUN, 31 MAY, 2015
RESOURCE / Technical guidance and reports

Guidance for the use of the Common Results Framework (CRF) Planning Tool

Publication date: SUN, 31 MAY, 2015

FANUS unites people in Tanzania for their 2015 Global Conference

From the 25th – 29th May 2015, the Federation of African Nutrition Sciences (FANUS) held the third FANUS Conference in Arusha, Tanzania. The conference was focused on whether Africa has achieved the Millenium Development Goals and to set goals for the future. The Tanzania Food…
Publication date: FRI, 29 MAY, 2015

Nutrition at the 68th World Health Assembly

From the 18th to 16th May 2015, the 68th World Health Assembly (WHA) was held in Geneva, Switzerland. The event brought together World Health Organization (WHO) Member States and saw key milestones for nutrition towards achieving the WHA 2025 Global Targets. These include the approval…
Publication date: FRI, 29 MAY, 2015

The 2014 Annual Report for the SUN Movement Multi-Partner Trust Fund is released

On 29th May 2015, the 2014 annual report of the SUN Movement Multi-Partner Trust Fund (MPTF) was released and covers the reporting period 1 January to 31 December 2014. It was written by the SUN Movement Secretariat with contribution from the UNDP MPTF Office serving…
Publication date: FRI, 29 MAY, 2015

Voices from the field: Uganda

Interview with Christine Muyama, Uganda Civil Society Coalition on Scaling up Nutrition (UCCO-SUN). This interview is extracted from SCN News 41 – launched in May 2015. SCN News is a periodic review of developments in international nutrition to help the sharing of experience in nutrition.
Publication date: FRI, 29 MAY, 2015

Accountability for nutrition in the post-2015 agenda

Key events in 2014 provided a critical impetus for the global fight against malnutrition in all its forms and for nutrition justice. Malnutrition being a result of the failure to realize people’s basic human rights, addressing it is indeed a matter of justice. The Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement’s Global Gathering in November 2014 highlighted the need for continuous collaboration of all stakeholders in strengthening nutrition actions in countries.
Publication date: FRI, 29 MAY, 2015

Civil Society brings stakeholders together in Sierra Leone to address nutrition and immunization

On 29th May 2015, the Western Area Civil Society Platform on Health and Nutrition Sierra Leone (HaNSL) held a stakeholders meeting to discuss the importance of immunization and nutrition. The event was organisased with the support of Focus 1000 in Freetown, to bring all stakeholders…
Publication date: FRI, 29 MAY, 2015

The East Africa GNR launch brings together six SUN countries to defeat malnutrition in the region

On 29 May 2015, the East Africa launch of the Global Nutrition Report (GNR) was hosted in Dar es Salaam by the SUN Civil Society Networks of Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Ethiopia, Burundi, and Rwanda, along with KANCO and ACTION. They brought people together from six…
Publication date: FRI, 29 MAY, 2015

SESAN celebrates 10 years of action towards food and nutrition security

On 26th May 2015, the symposium “National Challenge to Reduce Chronic Malnutrition, 10 years of Sustainability of Food and Nutrition Security” was held in Guatemala. The event was coordinated by the Secretariat of Food and Nutrition Security (SESAN) with support from multiple donors, UN agencies…
Publication date: FRI, 29 MAY, 2015

Meeting of SUN Network Facilitators | May 2015

On 7th May 2015, the SUN Movement Secretariat organised the monthly conference call of the SUN Network Facilitators. This meeting provided the facilitators updates on four key areas The Budget Analysis Exercise which included four regional workshops undertaken: Bangkok: 15-16 April 2015, Entebbe: 21-22 April 2015, Abidjan: 27-28 April 2015 and Guatemala City, 28-30 April 2015. The…
Publication date: THU, 28 MAY, 2015

Brussels Development Briefing | Improving Nutrition through accountability, ownership & partnership

On 20 May 2015, the 41st Brussels Development Briefing was held on the subject of “Improving nutrition through accountability, ownership and partnerships” to discuss the challenges of malnutrition for rural development faced by many African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries. The Brussels Development Briefings are regular events organized…
Publication date: THU, 28 MAY, 2015

Vice-President launches Zimbabwe’s National Nutrition Strategy

On 28th April 2015, Vice-President Emmerson Mnangagwa launched Zimbabwe’s National Nutrition Strategy (2014 – 2018). The plan seeks to ensure nutrition security through the implementation of integrated interventions within a broad public health framework that includes health services, water and sanitation. The strategy was launched…
Publication date: THU, 28 MAY, 2015

SOFI 2015 | Progress achieved but much work remains to be done to overcome hunger and malnutrition

On 27 May 2015, the State of Food Insecurity (SOFI) in the World 2015 was released by the Food and Agriculture Organisation in Rome, Italy. According to the latest edition, the number of hungry people in the world has dropped to 795 million – 216 million…
Publication date: THU, 28 MAY, 2015

Online Consultation | A strategy for healthy women, children & adolescents

Until 5th June 2015, the Zero Draft of an updated Global Strategy for Women’s, Children’s, and Adolescents’ Health is available for comment. The Partnerships for Maternal Newborn & Child Heath (PMNCH), under the Every Woman Every Child umbrella, is coordinating global stakeholder consultations on the updated…
Publication date: THU, 28 MAY, 2015

Online Discussion | Grass-root led innovations in agriculture for improved nutrition

Until 5th June 2015, the Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum) has an online discussion about Innovations in agriculture to improve nutrition. This online discussion was organised in collaboration with the Leveraging Agriculture for Nutrition in South Asia (LANSA) programme and aims to learn more about grass-root…
Publication date: THU, 28 MAY, 2015

UN SCN News 41 | Seizing the post-2015 opportunity for nutrition

On 20th May 2015, the United Nations Standing Committee on Nutrition (UNSCN) released its annual publication, SCN News 41. This year’s edition focuses attention on the opportunities to end malnutrition in all its forms in the post-2015 development agenda. This publication features different perspectives from stakeholders…
Publication date: THU, 28 MAY, 2015

The Self-Assessment workshop drives commitment from all stakeholders in Pakistan

On 25th May 2015, Pakistan brought together their multi-stakeholder platform for the SUN Self-Assessment Exercise which garnered high level attention and commitment to tackling malnutrition. The workshop was organised by the SUN Secretariat in the Planning Commission of Pakistan and participants included representatives from line…
Publication date: THU, 28 MAY, 2015