
Displaying 3301 - 3320 of 4216
RESOURCE / Technical reports and research

Global nutrition report 2014 - Kenya report

Publication date: THU, 28 MAY, 2015

NEPAD and SADC firm up actions to boost their Knowledge-Sharing and Monitoring platform

On 21st April 2015, a meeting was held between the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) and the Southern African Development Community (SADC) to firm up actions needed to boost food and nutrition security in SADC countries through a regional knowledge platform. Participants discussed how the regional knowledge platform will foster…
Publication date: WED, 27 MAY, 2015

Save the Children release the 16th report on the State of the World’s Mothers

In May 2015, Save the Children released the 16th annual State of the World’s Mothers report. The report evaluates the devastating health disparities between the rich and poor living in major cities around the world and also assesses the well-being of mothers and children in 179 countries. Leading…
Publication date: WED, 27 MAY, 2015

Pakistan renews their commitment to reduce maternal and child mortality

On 13 May 2015, and inter-provincial meeting was held in Islamabad to present the new National Vision for Coordinated Priority Actions to Address Challenges of Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child Health and Nutrition in Pakistan. Minister for National Health Services, Saira Afzal Tarar, presented the vision…
Publication date: WED, 27 MAY, 2015

An Academia and Research Network is launched to combat malnutrition in Pakistan

On 15th May 2015, an Academia and Research Network launched to help combat the issue of malnutrition in Pakistan. The Planning Commission of Pakistan jointly organised the seminar titled ‘Establishment of SUN Academia and Research Network’ with funding and support from the Micronutrient Initiative (MI)….
Publication date: TUE, 26 MAY, 2015

Indonesia puts a spotlight on the double burden of malnutrition with a World Bank video

In April 2015, the World Bank supported efforts in Indonesia by releasing a video that helps to explain the complex double burden of malnutrition faced by the Asian nation. The short animated video explains the impact of stunting and the impact it can have later…
Publication date: TUE, 26 MAY, 2015

Webinar: Planning and Tracking Multi-Sectoral Investments for Improved Nutrition

On 19th May 2015, a webinar was held by Strengthening Partnerships, Results and Innovations in Nutrition Globally (SPRING) on Planning and Tracking Multi-Sectoral Investments for Improved Nutrition. The webinar is part of the SPRING Better Data for Nutrition webinar series which draws on SPRING’s team of nutrition, agriculture, and…
Publication date: TUE, 26 MAY, 2015

A video from Ethiopia shows the key role health workers play in building stronger communities

On April 28th 2015, the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) released a new video to showcase the valuable role that a health worker has in building stronger communities. In the video, a health worker from a small Ethiopian village shares how crucial it is to…
Publication date: TUE, 26 MAY, 2015

Rwanda’s Civil Society Alliance holds their first General Assembly

On March 25 2015, Catholic Relief Services-Rwanda (CRS-Rwanda), together with partners, facilitated the establishment of the Scaling Up Nutrition Civil Society Alliance (SUN CSA) in Rwanda. Fifty-nine civil society organizations (CSOs) working in nutrition participated as founding members of the Alliance, supported by stakeholder representatives from the government, academia,…
Publication date: SUN, 24 MAY, 2015
RESOURCE / Technical reports and research

The Global Nutrition Report 2014 - Full report

Publication date: WED, 20 MAY, 2015

Poor child nutrition in Malawi costs US$600 million per year

On 13th May 2015, the launch of the Cost of Hunger in Malawi highlighted the overwhelming $600 million loss every year, as a result of child undernutrition. The study, which was commissioned by the African Union and supported by the United Nations Economic Commission for…
Publication date: TUE, 19 MAY, 2015

Zambia Civil Society calls for an effective funding mechanism for nutrition

On 13th May 2015, William Chilufya, Coordinator of the Zambia Civil Society Alliance called for an effective nutrition funding mechanism in an interview with the Post Zambia. He said that addressing the problem of malnutrition will help to guarantee a better future for Zambia’s children….
Publication date: TUE, 19 MAY, 2015

Bangladesh begins a $200M livelihoods project with the World Bank

On 5th May 2015, the Government of Bangladesh signed a $200 million financing agreement with the World Bank for the Nuton Livelihood Improvement Project to improveme the livelihoods for five million rural poor. The project focuses on supporting and enabling access to markets through business…
Publication date: TUE, 19 MAY, 2015

Bangladesh PM calls for more research in food and nutrition security

On 2nd May 2015, Bangladesh Prime Minister, Sheikh Hasina called upon agriculture scientists to intensify their research to ensure food and nutrition security for all. The Prime Minister was addressing a function at Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agriculture University in Gazipur which marked the university’s…
Publication date: TUE, 19 MAY, 2015

Latest survey in Bangladesh shows large declines in stunting rates

On 24th April 2015, the Bangladesh 2014 Demographic Health Survey (BDHS) was launched and highlights some of the great progress made in the nutrition sector. Three of the indicators where there had been significant progress were related to nutrition. Stunting of children under-five reduced from…
Publication date: TUE, 19 MAY, 2015

Helen Keller International honors David Nabarro with their 2015 Humanitarian Award

On 18th May 2015, David Nabarro, Special Envoy on Ebola and Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for Food Security and Nutrition, was honored with the 2015 Helen Keller Humanitarian Award at The Spirit of Helen Keller Gala. The award was in recognition of his efforts…
Publication date: TUE, 19 MAY, 2015

Call for Content | Field Exchange: Nutrition Sensitive Programmes

The Emergency Nutrition Network (ENN) is calling for content for their 51st Issue of Field Exchange. This edition will be published December 2015 and focus specifically on nutrition sensitive programming and related policy and research. The purpose of this issue if to bring together lessons learned and…
Publication date: MON, 18 MAY, 2015

Huge success for Chad’s first national forum on nutrition and food

Chad held its first national forum on nutrition and food in N’Djamena from 28 to 30 April 2015, under the aegis of the president and in the presence of the Prime Minister. Its goals were to report on the nutritional situation in Chad and its…
Publication date: MON, 18 MAY, 2015

Day of Action “Keep the momentum: Nutrition at the core of Malawi’s socioeconomic agenda”

On 5th May 2015, the Civil Society in Malawi (CSONA) brought high level policy makers and supporters together to rally for increased attention to nutrition. The day of action was sponsored by Concern worldwide, World Vision, Plan Malawi and Progression. During the celebrations, Allan Chiyembekeza, Minister…
Publication date: SAT, 16 MAY, 2015

Bill and Melinda Gates collaborate for global health impact

On 5th May 2015, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation held a 3-day Global Partners Forum in Seattle, Washington. The event brought together more than one thousand attendees and grant recipients to reflect on their collaborative efforts aimed at reducing poverty, inequity and suffering around the world….
Publication date: FRI, 15 MAY, 2015