
Displaying 2841 - 2860 of 4216

Launch of the first-ever investment framework to reach the global nutrition targets

On 17 April 2016, the first ever framework to invest in nutrition was launched by the World Bank, Results for Development Institute, and 1,000 Days in Washington D.C. The event represents the start to a broader dissemination of the nutrition investment framework which identifies that…
Publication date: TUE, 19 APR, 2016

Using Results from the Budget-Analysis to link the financial tracking with planning and resource mobilization: Tanzania and Malawi

A lead-in sentence is needed: Public Expenditure Review in Tanzania The Government of Tanzania conducted a Public Expenditure Review (PER) of Nutrition during 2013 to assess the extent of fiscal discipline, allocative efficiency and operational efficiency in the nutrition sector. The following nutrition interventions areas…
Publication date: TUE, 19 APR, 2016

A SPRING analysis of on- and off-budget allocations in Nepal and Uganda

What is on-budget funding? On-budget funding sources are defined as those occurring through the official government budget management system. In Nepal, there is an additional delineation between “on-budget, on-treasury” and “on-budget, off-treasury”, meaning that funds are reported through the national budget, but are distributed outside…
Publication date: TUE, 19 APR, 2016

Lessons of value from Guatemala and Peru where the sub-national governments play varying roles

In Guatemala, government nutrition interventions form part of a wider approach to achieving food and nutrition security that has been promoted since 2005. The current Zero Hunger Plan (PH0) 2012–16 considers the reduction of chronic malnutrition as a primary objective but also addresses acute malnutrition…
Publication date: TUE, 19 APR, 2016
RESOURCE / Technical reports and research

The Global Nutrition Report 2015 - Full report

Publication date: MON, 18 APR, 2016

SUN Movement March 2016 Update

Read the March 2016 Update for news from SUN Countries and around the Movement. ENGLISH | FRANÇAIS | ESPAÑOL
Publication date: TUE, 12 APR, 2016

World Health Day brings global attention to diabetes and the first Global Report of its kind

On 7 April 2016, organisations and individuals around the world celebrated World Health Day, calling for global action to halt the rise in and improve care for people with diabetes. The World Health Organization (WHO) marked the day with the launch of its first “Global Report…
Publication date: FRI, 8 APR, 2016

Civil society in Nepal profile the importance of scaling up nutrition with a new video

In January 2016, the Scaling Up Nutrition Civil Society Alliance in Nepal (CSANN) released a video documentary to advocate for continued efforts in the fight against malnutrition in Nepal. The film features interviews with various government officials who share that nutrition is being prioritised in…
Publication date: WED, 6 APR, 2016

UN General Assembly proclaims 2016-2025, the Decade of Action on Nutrition

On 1 April 2016, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the resolution “Decade of Action on Nutrition”, described as a a leap forward in galvanising international action on nutrition. The resolution invites governments to actively support its implementation, including the setting of national nutrition targets for 2025…
Publication date: TUE, 5 APR, 2016

My reflections from Guatemala and a commitment to engage with more youth in the SUN Movement

About the author: Dr. Claire Blanchard, Civil Society Network Coordinator writes about her recent mission to Guatemala . Guatemala has 46.5% of chronic malnutrition of children under 5 (ENSMI 2013/2014) in the Central American region in spite of high level political commitment. This is the highest in the region and one of the highest burden in the world.
Publication date: MON, 4 APR, 2016

Reflections from my grass roots mission to El Salvador

Dr. Claire Blanchard, Civil Society Network Coordinator, reflects on her mission to El Salvador, 2016 Returning from my field visit to NUTRES (Alianza de las Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil por la Soberanía y Seguridad Alimentaria Nutricional), the SUN CSA in El Salvador hosted by CALMA (Centro de Apoyo de Lactencia Materna) – a local CSO working on breastfeeding, I wanted to share my invaluable experience of an engaged, dedicated and committed alliance of 7 grassroots organisations.
Publication date: MON, 4 APR, 2016

Women Development Army – Arms for Change on Nutrition, West Gojam Experience, Ethiopia

Ethiopia Civil Society Coalition for Scaling up Nutrition (ECSC-SUN) Tsehaynesh Semu, (a mother of 5 children) and Adame Zerihun (a mother of 2) are community-level volunteers, who lead networks of the government-named “Women’s Development Army” at Fezel kebele, Bure woreda of West Gojam zone.
Publication date: MON, 4 APR, 2016

School Nutrition Clubs – A Platform to Create Awareness about Nutrition, Amhara Region, Ethiopia

Ethiopia Civil Society Coalition for Scaling up Nutrition With support from Deutche Stiftung weltbevoerkerung (DSW), Qerere 1st Cycle and Junior school established a health and nutrition club and carries out different nutrition related activities.
Publication date: MON, 4 APR, 2016

Sectoral Coordination for Change on Nutrition Practices – West Gojam Experience, Ethiopia

Ethiopia Civil Society Coalition for Scaling up Nutrition (ECSC-SUN) Ethiopia’s 2013-2015 National Nutrition Program (NNP) calls for a multi-sectoral approach to address malnutrition in the country. This approach was expected to be cascaded to even small localities and implemented at scale.
Publication date: MON, 4 APR, 2016

Household’s Experience to Tackle Malnutrition – East Gojam Experience, Ethiopia

Ethiopia Civil Society Coalition for Scaling up Nutrition (ECSC-SUN) Bayush Beyen lives in Qerer kebele, a rural kebele in Machakel woreda of the Amhara Regional State. She has seven children with the last one only three months old. She remembers that during her previous pregnancies, she used to eat little food to avoid having a big baby in her womb and facing difficulty at birth.
Publication date: MON, 4 APR, 2016

Changes on Nutrition Action – Health Post Experience of West Gojam Zone, Ethiopia

Ethiopia Civil Society Coalition for Scaling up Nutrition (ECSC-SUN) Yeshimebet Hailu is one of the roughly 30,000 health extension workers the government has trained and deployed all over the country.
Publication date: MON, 4 APR, 2016

Disseminating evidence for informed action in Ethiopia

The National Nutrition Coordination Body (NNCB) is the primary mechanism for leadership, policy decisions and the coordination of Ethiopia’s National Nutrition Program (NNP). The implementation of this program began in 2008, using a multi-sectoral and life cycle approach. The NNP’s five-year plan was revised in line with the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) for the years 2013-2015.
Publication date: FRI, 1 APR, 2016

Linking academics through a dedicated network in Pakistan

Despite recent economic and technological progress, conditions for children and vulnerable populations remains a serious challenge. They are not getting sufficient amounts of iron, iodine, vitamin A, folic acid and zinc in their diets, causing illness including infections, blindness, mental disorders and an increased risk of morality.
Publication date: FRI, 1 APR, 2016

Data Driven Programming

In 2011, the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania and its UN partners (WHO, UNICEF, UNREACH, and WFP) donor partners (USAID, Irish AID, DFID, DANIDA, CIDA, Micronutrient Initiative, World Bank and Children’s Investment Fund Foundation) and non-government organisations under the umbrella of The Partnership for Nutrition in Tanzania
Publication date: FRI, 1 APR, 2016

Building an inclusive platform to help guide nutrition policy

Researchers and academics are more committed than ever in developing nutrition programs in an inclusive way, through participation in the National Council of Food and Nutrition (CAN) – a multi-sectoral, multi-stakeholder platform for improving nutrition. The fight against malnutrition has been a concern of successive governments of Benin for decades.
Publication date: FRI, 1 APR, 2016