
Displaying 3401 - 3420 of 4221

Regional government of Piura in Peru reaffirms commitment to governance agreement and reducing malnutrition

On the 13th of February 2015, the regional president of Piuru in Peru, Reynaldo Hilbck, reaffirmed his commitment to the governance agreement for Piura (2051-2018) for achieving integrated development. On this occasion, Hilbck reiterated the joint commitment from his government and district municipalities that agreed…
Publication date: MON, 2 MAR, 2015
RESOURCE / Briefs/ fact sheets

Movement wide response – Unabridged comments

Publication date: SAT, 28 FEB, 2015
RESOURCE / Briefs/ fact sheets

Movement wide response – Synthesis of comments

Publication date: SAT, 28 FEB, 2015

Paving the way for successful partnerships|GSO SUN Global Concluding Conference

The final concluding event for the Global Social Observatory (GSO)-SUN process on Conflict of Interest in the Scaling up Nutrition Movement took place over the 16th and 17th of February 2015 in Geneva, Switzerland. It represented the culmination of a 20 month collaboration between the…
Publication date: FRI, 27 FEB, 2015

Meeting of SUN Network Facilitators | February 2015

On the 3rd of February 2015, the first monthly meeting of the SUN Network Facilitators for the year brought together eight key members from the four SUN Networks with a face-to-face meeting in Geneva, Switzerland. The meeting, chaired by Christine Campeau of the SUN Movement…
Publication date: THU, 26 FEB, 2015

Subscribe to Nutrition Exchange – free publication for people fighting malnutrition

Nutrition Exchange is an ENN publication that contains short, easy-to-read articles on nutrition programme experiences and learning, from countries with a high burden of malnutrition and those that are prone to crisis. It also summarises research and provides information on guidance, tools and upcoming trainings in nutrition and related sectors. Nutrition Exchange…
Publication date: THU, 26 FEB, 2015

Madagascar officially establishes its Civil Society Alliance

Following on from the November launch of Madagascar’s Civil Society Alliance (CSA) – Hina – on February 3, 2105, the CSA held its constitutive general assembly marking the official establishment of the Alliance and elected the members of its Board for a three year mandate….
Publication date: WED, 25 FEB, 2015

Nutrition mission in Mali helps define civil society advocacy plans and establishes 3 regional alliances

From 16 through to 30 September 2014, Malian Civil Society Organisation (CSO) OMAES and its technical partners ASDAP and Helen Keller International (HKI) undertook a mission to support and monitor nutrition activities in three regions – Kayes, Sikasso and Segou. The goals of the mission…
Publication date: WED, 25 FEB, 2015

Civil society in Niger establishes 3 new branches for effective nutrition action

From November 24 to December 5, 2014, the United for Nutrition Alliance (TUN) in Niger arranged a series of nutrition advocacy workshops in three regions – Maradi, Zinder and Diffa. The workshops were also used as an opportunity to establish three regional branches of the…
Publication date: WED, 25 FEB, 2015

SUN Movement January 2015 update

Read the January 2015 Update for news from SUN Countries and around the Movement. ENGLISH | FRENCH | ESPAÑOL
Publication date: WED, 25 FEB, 2015

SUN Movement New Year 2015 update

Read the New Year 2015 Update for news from SUN Countries and around the Movement. ENGLISH | FRENCH | ESPAÑOL
Publication date: WED, 25 FEB, 2015

Myanmar launches a Civil Society Alliance for Scaling Up Nutrition

Civil Society, Government, the United Nations and Donor Community joined together in Yangon, Myanmar on the 17th February to launch the Scaling Up Nutrition Civil Society Alliance (SUN CSA) in Myanmar. Nearly 40 civil society organisations pledged to join the movement to eradicate malnutrition in…
Publication date: MON, 23 FEB, 2015

SUN Countries respond to a “Call of Interest” to accelerate efforts on budget analysis

During the 17th SUN Country Network Conference Call held from the 26th January until 2nd February 2015, a thematic discussion was held on how to accelerate SUN Country efforts to report on nutrition-relevant budget allocation. This call focused on the ability for countries to respond…
Publication date: FRI, 20 FEB, 2015

Global Nutrition Report 2015|Call out for country profile case studies

In the lead up to the launch of the The Global Nutrition Report (GNR) 2015, the GNR Secretariat is calling for countries to submit case studies analyzing the value of 193 Nutrition Country Profiles. The Global Nutrition Report was first launched in 2014 and profiled…
Publication date: FRI, 20 FEB, 2015
RESOURCE / Technical reports and research

GSO-SUN Global Concluding Conference - Conference Report

Publication date: TUE, 17 FEB, 2015

COP1 Conference Call | Tools shared for stocktaking, how-to and financing nutrition

On 12th February 2015, the third conference call to develop the Community of Practice on planning, costing, implementing and financing multi-sectoral actions for improved nutrition was held. Over thirty participants from SUN Networks and technical agencies participated in the call to share their experiences with tools for stocktaking, how-to…
Publication date: SAT, 14 FEB, 2015
RESOURCE / Toolkits/ tools

Kenya symposium key messages

Publication date: FRI, 13 FEB, 2015

Benin launches a Civil Society Alliance for Scaling Up Nutrition

On the 10th February 2015, civil society groups came together in Cotonou for the official launch of the Benin civil society alliance for scaling up nutrition, “Alliance de la société civile pour l’intensification de la nutrition au Bénin” (ASCINB). Over forty participants from various civil society organisations…
Publication date: THU, 12 FEB, 2015

Thirteen candidates sign a governance agreement for the City of Lima

On the 2nd February 2015, the IDI (Civil Society Alliance in Peru) published a governance agreement for the city of Lima as part of the efforts of the consensus building forum for the fight against poverty in Lima, Peru. The consensus building forum, comprising civil society…
Publication date: TUE, 10 FEB, 2015

The Zambia Parliamentary Committee on Health, Community Development and Social Services learns about the multi-faceted challenges of malnutrition

On the 5th February 2015, the Parliamentary Committee on Health, Community Development and Social Services in Zambia invited the Civil Society for Scaling Up Nutrition (CSO-SUN) to review progress made by Zambia towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals. Coordinator of CSO-SUN, William Chilyufa said the new post-2015…
Publication date: FRI, 6 FEB, 2015