
Displaying 3581 - 3600 of 4216

The Government of Gambia launches a results based financing project with the World Bank

On 17 September 2014, the Minister of Health and Social Welfare launched a US$8.7 million grant from the World Bank to implement a 5-year results based financing project called the “Maternal and Child Nutrition and Health Results Project”. The project is being facilitated by the…
Publication date: MON, 29 SEP, 2014

Scaling Up Nutrition: In Practice Issue 3 – Social Mobilization, Advocacy and Communication for Nutrition

The third Scaling Up Nutrition: In Practice brief focuses on social mobilization, advocacy and communication for nutrition. Stakeholders from six SUN countries have contributed accounts of their experiences in raising awareness and mobilizing public support to scale up nutrition. Key lessons have been identified in…
Publication date: MON, 29 SEP, 2014

The Nepal Multi-sector Nutrition Plan gets a boost with a workshop on district support

On 22 September 2014, the National Planning Commission of Nepal held a two day workshop on the effective coordination and implementation the Multi-sectoral Nutrition Plan (MSNP) for districts. The event brought together over 100 officials from eight districts and multiple ministries in Kathmandu. The MSNP reflects the commitment of…
Publication date: FRI, 26 SEP, 2014

Civil Society in Kenya holds advocacy training at county level

On 26 August 2014, the SUN Civil Society Alliance in Kenya (SUN CSA) held a four day nutrition and food security advocacy training in West Pokot, North Rift region. This is the first county level training conducted by SUN CSA and represents significant progress in the institutionalization…
Publication date: FRI, 26 SEP, 2014

Multiple stakeholders collaborate in Burundi for a regional workshop to build human capacity for nutrition

On 25 August 2014, the Government of Burundi held a two day regional workshop in Bujumbura, Burundi, to address the challenges in building human capacity for nutrition. The Minister of Public Health and the fight against AIDS, Dr. Sabine Ntakarutimana, opened the event saying the…
Publication date: FRI, 26 SEP, 2014

Zambia launches a new report: The importance of nutrition investment for economic growth

On 23 September 2014, the Vice President of Zambia, Guy Scott, participated in the launch of a new Institute of Development Studies report titled “Turning Rapid Growth into Meaningful Growth: Sustaining the Commitment to Nutrition in Zambia”. Vice President Scott said “Investing in the most…
Publication date: THU, 25 SEP, 2014

Strengthening the capacity of SUN countries with a learning route in Peru

From 8 to 14 September 2014, participants from the SUN countries of Tanzania, Senegal, Madagascar, Sri Lanka, Laos, El Salvador and Guatemala were hosted by the government of Peru as part of pilot ‘Learning Route’ programme. The countries met to learn more about the strategies…
Publication date: THU, 25 SEP, 2014

SUN Network Facilitators Meeting | September 2014

On 9 September 2014, SUN Network Facilitators from Donor, Civil Society, Business, the UN System and Country Networks participated in a Facilitators teleconference. The meeting was chaired for the first time by the interim SUN Movement Coordinator, Mr. Tom Arnold. The SUN Secretariat reported on…
Publication date: WED, 24 SEP, 2014
RESOURCE / Technical reports and research

IDS special collection on undernutrition in Zambia launch report

Publication date: MON, 22 SEP, 2014

SUN Movement August 2014 update

Read the Mid-Year 2014 Update for news from SUN Countries and around the Movement. READ MORE
Publication date: THU, 18 SEP, 2014
RESOURCE / Training

SUN CSA holds first county advocacy training

Publication date: WED, 17 SEP, 2014
RESOURCE / Briefs/ fact sheets

Letter from the Secretary of State

Publication date: THU, 11 SEP, 2014

SUN Movement August 2014 update

Read the August 2014 Update for news from SUN Countries and around the Movement. ENGLISH | FRENCH | ESPAÑOL
Publication date: SUN, 7 SEP, 2014

SUN countries in Asia share experiences about the protection of breastfeeding via webinar

On 2 July 2014, a webinar on the protection of breastfeeding was held to share experience between SUN countries in Asia. Dr. Le Danh Tuyen of the National Institute of Nutrition in Vietnam and Dr. Lalith Chandradasa of the National Nutrition Secretariat Sri Lanka invited…
Publication date: MON, 1 SEP, 2014
RESOURCE / Technical reports and research

Interim Report (September 2014)

Publication date: MON, 1 SEP, 2014

Meeting of SUN Network Facilitators | July 2014

On 31 July 2014, the Scaling Up Nutrition Movement Secretariat hosted the second face-to-face meeting of the four SUN Networks for the year. Representatives from the Donor, Civil Society, Business and UN Networks discussed issues related to the following areas; SUN Independent Comprehensive Evaluation SUN…
Publication date: TUE, 26 AUG, 2014

SUN Networks and technical agencies meet and collectively build knowledge on costing and financial tracking

On the 16 July 2014, a conference call was organized among participants from the SUN global Networks and from specialized technical agencies to follow-up on the Nairobi Workshop on Costing and Financial Tracking held in November 2013. The agenda included stock-taking of national-level costing exercises as well…
Publication date: MON, 25 AUG, 2014

Multiple stakeholders brought together for Nutrition Advocacy Training in Kenya

On 30 July 2014, the SUN Civil Society Alliance (SUNCSA) in Kenya brought together multiple stakeholders for a nutrition advocacy training in Machakos Country, Kenya. Particpants included representatives from government, civil society, business, academia and the media. The four facilitators, who were all trained by…
Publication date: MON, 25 AUG, 2014

Tanzania develops the first public expenditure review for nutrition

In the first half of 2014, the Government of Tanzania, with the technical and financial support of UNICEF, Irish Aid and the World Bank, has led the execution of the first ever Public Expenditure Review (PER) for nutrition to address the lack of data on…
Publication date: MON, 25 AUG, 2014

UN organisations meet in Rome for a workshop on nutrition sensitive agriculture

On 24 July 2014, IFAD hosted an intensive training workshop for nutrition experts in Rome on the importance of nutrition-sensitive agriculture. The 4 day session was described by Bibi Giyose, senior nutrition policy advisor at FAO, as an example of UN agencies working together for…
Publication date: MON, 25 AUG, 2014